[geomoose-psc] Feedback in testing PROJ v5.0.0 with GeoMOOSE

James Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 09:24:55 PST 2018

Ok.  I am glad it is fixes.  I wonder what I was seeing then.

Looks like I missed the proj revert #22 commit by a few minutes when I did
my testing, so it wasn't that.

On Mar 5, 2018 09:17, "Jeff McKenna" <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:

> Unfortunately that is incorrect, what is likely happening in your case is
> related to caching in your browser.  You can read the long thread starting
> at my report for the RC6 release (I was testing from source on Ubuntu 14.04
> and Windows) at http://lists.maptools.org/pipe
> rmail/proj/2018-February/008082.html
> This will break all MapServer (and GDAL, PostGIS, GRASS GIS,...) services
> outputting to the Google "Web Mercator".  You can read in that thread how I
> asked for an immediate RC7 release with that fix.
> The PROJ team chose to release anyway (the fix was actually applied to
> master before the release, but it will be available to all in the 5.0.1
> release).
> I again encourage *everyone* to provide feedback directly to the PROJ
> community (there is even a Github ticket, if you prefer to give feedback
> that way instead): https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/issues/834
> -jeff
> On 2018-03-03 5:04 AM, Jim Klassen wrote:
>> FYI: I built MapServer 7.0.7+g9297c, GDAL 2.2.3, r41553, and PROJ 5.0.0
>> on Linux and it appears to work correctly with the GeoMoose3 demo.
>> On 02/24/2018 05:56 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have been testing the RC5 package of the upcoming PROJ 5.0.0 release
>>> (http://lists.maptools.org/pipermail/proj/2018-February/008045.html)
>>> on Windows in the MS4W environment (with MapServer-branch-7-0 and GDAL
>>> 2.2.3).
>>> I was shocked when I loaded the GM3 demo in my browser and saw a
>>> totally blank/white opening map image!!!?! (the normally green line
>>> layer of parcels, from demo/parcels/parcels.map, did not appear)
>>> I was stuck on that too long, wondering if I was somehow using the
>>> wrong API for this new PROJ (see upcoming release notes at bottom of
>>> http://lists.maptools.org/pipermail/proj/2018-February/007966.html),
>>> and going down many rabbit holes with logs etc.
>>> In the end.....if I zoom out then of course the parcels appear.
>>> Can someone else confirm this?  (it could of course only be happening
>>> in my environment)
>>> Does the stock GM3-demo opening map image appear normal for you, using
>>> PROJ 5.0.0 RC5 ?
>>> Please let me know.
>>> Thanks!
>>> (and now i can have a weekend, this was bugging me too much, ha!)
>>> -jeff
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