[geomoose-psc] April 2022 PSC meeting notes are on the wiki

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Fri Apr 22 13:16:52 PDT 2022

Swear?  Not at all! I applaud any effort at standardization for interoperability, especially when it benefits the Open Source world.  Good work!

I think LLC is fine for atlas scale (1:1M + ) static maps of Canada.  But it's not very useful for dynamic web mapping.  Web Mercator is somewhat better, but if you are focused on the North, then it has problems.  And that's one more reason why I'm a fan of CesiumJS; it has a globe you can spin and zoom (but you can't see the entire world's geography at a glance).

The Canadian Government's use of LLC as the standard for dynamic web mapping is puzzling to me; must be paper mapping inertia.


From: "Jeff McKenna" <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>
Sent: 4/22/22 12:42 PM
To: geomoose-psc at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [geomoose-psc] April 2022 PSC meeting notes are on the wiki

On 2022-04-22 3:22 p.m., Brent Fraser wrote:
> Environment Canada's web site uses
> Lambert Conformal Conic suitable for Southern Ontario, but not for the
> Canadian prairies.

Ah yes, and another small world for you: this projection was submitted
as an official EPSG entry, by me! (EPSG:3978, used by all "Canada
Atlas" products and web services) Back in 2008 I was exhausted of
supporting custom-projection questions for this projection (and after
years of no-response from the federal-level people on this) I finally
submitted it to the EPSG geodetic group myself. It's become quite a
legacy ha, that EPSG projection code is now used throughout Canadian web
services as default (and there in the EPSG geodetic history is
"submitted by GatewayGeo, 2008")

Small world!

So before you swear at me for this projection, imagine what life was
like when they were using a non-supported projection & then trying to
enable this in FOSS4G software!?!


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