[geomoose-psc] SharedGeo Sponsorship and Funding

Dan Little theduckylittle at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 12:54:38 PDT 2024

Hey folks,

As a few of you are aware, we have some funding available via SharedGeo. We
are able to spend the funds however we'd like but we definitely need to
spend them or they will become unavailable.

I would like to use some or all of that funding as a bootstrap for GeoMoose
4.0. What would other members of the PSC like to see which would make that
practical? A scope of work, if so how detailed? I'm open to various ideas
on how to do this the right way.

Also, anyone have suggestions for a platform which would allow doing a
demo? I've got some work put into the concepts for GM4 and would love to
show it to folks as a better way to get an idea of where I think we should

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