[Geomoose-users] GeoMoose User Group Meeting

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Fri Mar 7 12:07:18 EST 2008


I'm copying this to the GeoMoose user list.

Most of not all of your list is already possible with GeoMoose.   The identify tool is already there.   Some specifics about what data to search for would help.  The List box for Thematic data.  Do you meant oadd in layers as thematic markup, or something other than simply adding a layer to GeoMoose?  The Address Mail labels example, is a report, and can be used as a template of sorts.

A few more details about what you want to appear in the end products would help out.

These would have been very good questions for the GMUG meeting yesterday too.  :c)  Sorry, just rubbing ion the fact that you missed it.


Bob Basques
GIS Systems Developer
City of Saint Paul, MN

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>>> Lee Meilleur <lee.meilleur at gis.leg.mn> wrote:


We were needed for some committee hearings today and I couldn't make the meeting.  Hopefully there will be another one shortly after session ends and I'll be further along in working with GeoMoose.  Here are some tools that would be useful for us:

- An identify tool that selects via a box
- A list box for thematic data.  An example would be a list box for election results.  When a user clicks on the box, multiple layers would open up showing election results by year.  Each layer would have a checkbox next to it to make it viewable.
- A way to display customized reports

Thanks again for all of your help.


Lee Meilleur
LCC-GIS Office
Minnesota Legislature
100 Rev. Dr. MLK Jr Blvd.
55 State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155
651.296.0098  Fax: 651.297.3697
lee.meilleur at gis.leg.mn
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