[Geomoose-users] [Geomoose-developers] Print Report
Jay Kapalczynski
jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us
Fri Aug 21 09:53:08 EDT 2009
Yea I see this as one of my next obstacles. I have the code creating the images while looping through a query, now just need to get them somewhere.
I think I like option 3 the best.
See below!!!!
Well you can't (or shouldn't be able to) write directly to the C:\temp drive on a client computer from the web. Some possible alternatives though . . .
* You could ask the user where to save the file.
If I use option one I would need to move all the files at once. If the query returns 20 records I dont want to ask the user 20 times where to save to.
1. Maybe I can ask them where to save to
2. Write that location to a variable
3. Run through a loop and move each image to that location?
* You could run GeoMoose locally (on the same computer you want to save to) and have the service put the file some place, which it can do if it's on the same computer. (I've had some interesting conversations with folks about this path, since it's not generally used and can potentially get around some security issues, but that another conversation)
When you refer to service, are you referring to the PrintReport.php file that references the TEMP location.
For now the app will be running locally but, say for instance it was running on someone else’s web server. Is there a way to get those files back to the client, so that in house applications can use them?
Any thoughts on that?
* You could have your existing service write the data to some network location that is mapped on each PC that you want to have access to the data, and/or write it to some Web location that you send the link back to the user or even email them.
I like this option the best (I think), again the service is the PrintReport.php file. Is this where the location to print would be specified.
So if I was accessing the application from an offsite server I could use this option to write the files to my own in house server?
That correct?
Just some thoughts . . .
>>> Jay Kapalczynski <jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us> wrote:
Anyone out there know how I could modify the Print Report to not open in a new IE window rather just save the pdf to the “c:temp\” instead?
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