[Geomoose-users] Need help with ELSE / OR statements

Jim Dahl jim.dahl at mail.co.douglas.mn.us
Fri Aug 20 10:59:40 EDT 2010

I tried it so here is the file.  I  tweaked it a bit removed extra
dollar sign, curly bracket, and double quotes but still not working.  I
will continue to look at it.
if ($field <> "none") {
  // Microsoft Access connection string.
  // Douglas server
  //$db =
  // HEI server
  $db =
  $conn = new COM('ADODB.Connection'); // or exit('Cannot start ADO.');
  // Two ways to connect. Choose one.
  $conn->Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=$db"); //
or exit('Cannot open with Jet.');
  //$conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=$db"); //
or exit('Cannot open with driver.');
  // SQL statement to build recordset.
$clauses = array();
if($field == "TRS") {
 array_push($clauses, "TRS like '%".$searchval$."%'");
if($field2 == "DOCTYPE") {
 array_push($clauses, "DOCTYPE LIKE '".$searchval2."%'");
$all_clauses = implode(" or ", $clauses);
 $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM Surveyor_Image_Link WHERE
".$all_clauses." ORDER BY ".$sort." ASC");
  } else {
    echo "You have reached this page by mistake.";

<b>Search Results:</b>
      // Display all the values in the records set
      if ($field <> "none") {
        if ($rs->EOF) {
         echo "<br><b>Search Found No Records!</b><br>";
        } else {
      echo "<table border='0' width='250' class='message'>";
      while (!$rs->EOF) {
        $fv1 = $rs->Fields("TRS");
        $fv2 = $rs->Fields("SECTION");
        $fv3 = $rs->Fields("TOWNSHIP");
        $fv4 = $rs->Fields("RANGE");
        $fv5 = $rs->Fields("LOCATION");
        $fv6 = $rs->Fields("DOCTYPE");
        $fv7 = $rs->Fields("DOCUMENTID");
        $fv8 = $rs->Fields("CREATOR");
        $fv9 = $rs->Fields("DATE");
        $fv10 = $rs->Fields("DESCRIPTION");
        $fv11 = $rs->Fields("NUMOBJECTS");
        $fv12 = $rs->Fields("PAGENUM");
        $fv13 = $rs->Fields("QUICKLINK");
        $fv14 = $rs->Fields("OBJECTID");
        $fv15 = $rs->Fields("TRS_ORIG");
        echo "<tr>";
//        echo '<td>TRS#: <a
title=\'Click to View Survey Info\'
        echo '<td>TRS#: <a href=\'../pdf/'.$fv13->value.'\'
title=\'Click to View Survey Scanned Image\'
        echo '<a
e&buffer=500&qitem=STRING&qstring='.$fv15->value.'", Events, Map,
true)\'><img src=\'shared/images/view.png\' border=\'0\' title=\'Click
to Zoom Map to Parcel\'></a><br>';
        echo "Section: ".$fv2->value."<br>";
             echo "Township: ".$fv3->value."<br>";
             echo "Range: ".$fv4->value."<br>";
             echo "Location: ".$fv5->value."<br>";
        echo "Document Type: ".$fv6->value."<br>";
        echo "Document ID: ".$fv7->value."<br>";
             echo "Creator: ".$fv8->value."<br>";
             echo "Date: ".$fv9->value."<br>";
             echo "Description: ".$fv10->value."<br>";
             echo "Number of Pages: ".$fv11->value."<br>";
             echo "Page Number: ".$fv12->value."<br>";
             echo "Object ID: ".$fv14->value."<br>";
        //echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:alert(Function not implemented:
PIN ".$fv1->value.")'><img src='icons/zoomtofeature.png' border='0'
title='Click to Zoom Map to Parcel'></a></td>";
        echo "</tr>";
        echo "<tr><td><hr></td></tr>";
      echo "</table>";
if ($field <> "none") {
 $rs = null;
$conn = null;
} //end if statment

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Dan Little [mailto:danlittle at yahoo.com] 
	Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:54 PM
	To: Jim Dahl; geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net
	Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Need help with ELSE / OR
	Is this the old version of the script? It looks like it does not
include the code suggestion I made.

		From: Jim Dahl <jim.dahl at mail.co.douglas.mn.us>
		To: Dan Little <danlittle at yahoo.com>;
geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net
		Sent: Thu, August 19, 2010 3:02:23 PM
		Subject: RE: [Geomoose-users] Need help with ELSE / OR
		Dan, it must be getting close.  I had to take out a
curly bracket } and a dollar sign $ to make it not error out but search
came back empty.  I will include more script if that helps.
		if ($field <> "none") {
		  // Microsoft Access connection string.
		  // Douglas server
		  //$db =
		  // HEI server
		  $db =
		  $conn = new COM('ADODB.Connection'); // or
exit('Cannot start ADO.');
		  // Two ways to connect. Choose one.
		  $conn->Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
Source=$db"); // or exit('Cannot open with Jet.');
		  //$conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
(*.mdb)}; DBQ=$db"); // or exit('Cannot open with driver.');
		  // SQL statement to build recordset.
		  if ($field == "TRS" || $field2 == "DOCTYPE") {
		    $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM
Surveyor_Image_Link WHERE TRS LIKE '%".$searchval."%' ORDER BY ".$sort."
		//    ||
		//  ) elseif ($field2 == "DOCTYPE") {
		//    $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM
Surveyor_Image_Link WHERE DOCTYPE LIKE '".$searchval2."%' ORDER BY
".$sort." ASC");
		  } else {
		    echo "You have reached this page by mistake.";

			-----Original Message-----
			From: Dan Little [mailto:danlittle at yahoo.com] 
			Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:05 PM
			To: Jim Dahl;
geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net
			Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Need help with
ELSE / OR statements
			Good news, GM2.2 can do this! :) Bad news...
GM1.6 is harder and you need to use manual SQL.

			$clauses = array();
			if($field == "TRS") {
			 array_push($clauses, "TRS like
			if($field2 == "DOCTYPE") {
			 array_push($clauses, "DOCTYPE LIKE
			$all_clauses = implode(" or ", $clauses);
			 $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM
Surveyor_Image_Link WHERE ".$all_clauses." ORDER BY ".$sort." ASC");

				From: Jim Dahl
<jim.dahl at mail.co.douglas.mn.us>
				To: geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net
				Sent: Thu, August 19, 2010 9:56:08 AM
				Subject: [Geomoose-users] Need help with
ELSE / OR statements
				I am trying to add two search fields in
my GM app.  I can make each field search correctly by themselves but not
together.  I have the code where the first two lines work and when I
comment out the first two and enable the second two lines, the code
works for searchval2.  What I want to know is how can I use ELSE with or
without the OR statements to allow me to enable both fields for the
				  if ($field == "TRS") {
				    $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM
Surveyor_Image_Link WHERE TRS LIKE '%".$searchval."%' ORDER BY ".$sort."
				//  ) if ($field2 == "DOCTYPE") {
				//    $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT *
FROM Surveyor_Image_Link WHERE DOCTYPE LIKE '".$searchval2."%' ORDER BY
".$sort." ASC");
				  } else {
				    echo "You have reached this page by

				Jim Dahl, GISP
				GIS Coordinator
				Douglas County Public Works
				526 Willow Dr
				PO Box 398
				Alexandria MN 56308

				V 320-762-2933
				F 320-762-2998


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