[Geomoose-users] Getting Started - Need Help
Bob Basques
Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Tue Jan 5 14:15:16 EST 2010
Just remember, you asked. :c)
First your couple of questions about the lookup options, you're better off takin these questions to the GeoMoose list.
I know how this type of thing works with MapServer internals, but some of the GeoMoose constructs use PHP in combination with MapServer to accomplish this. I'm not the authority on those aspects. I can tell you that all the pieces are in the demo to get things going via a plug and play method, where you plug in your data to the demo, and switch column names around in the configuration items.
Besides the portability aspects of the USB, with a largish version of a USB, the data can also be toted around. If my ideas come to be as I have them envisioned, the USB can act as a surrogate service to the GeoMoose interface,as well as act as a go between to other Master servers (back in the office) and keep the remote version and the master version of the data synced together automatically, and behind the scenes. There's a lot of work to get something like this going in a production mode, but a standalone software stack would be a first step in this direction.
I'm also interested in Mutiple OS, as in Linux and MacOS being able to run things, and all of these could be installed on the same USB, which would take things to a whole new level, especially if work were put into separating out the OS specific pieces and reusing the interface and service code where possible across OS types. A lot of this is all fanciful dreaming at this point, but you have to set yourself some goals. :c)
>>> "KDSwanson" <kswan at iw.net> wrote:
A lot of the stuff you mention is above my head as a user, but it does sound great.
May I ask, what is the advantage of running all of this from a USB flash drive other than the portability of it?
In my specific case, we'd have dedicated laptops/netbooks in our ambulances and I presume the software would be on the local drive.
I'm wondering if you can answer a few questions that I have while trying out the geomoose 1.6.1 county demo since that is near perfect to my need.
1. How do I add a new search item under Property Search? The demo has Search by PIN and Search by Owner. In an EMS situation we'd never search by PIN and rarely by Owner. More so, we'd search off of Address. Looking at the maps_countydemo\landrecords\parcels.dbf file it appears the address is available in field OWN_ADD_L1. However, I'm not sure what all needs to be done to implement new Search item using the Address.
2. When I execute a search using the Search By Owner option the results I get back are the PIN and Owner Name. How, do you make a modification to this search result to provide the Owner Name and Address. Again, PIN is not a valuable piece of data for EMS providers.
Thank you for your time,
Kris Swanson
From: Bob Basques ( mailto:Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us )
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 9:42 AM
To: KDSwanson ( mailto:kswan at iw.net ) ; Dan Little ( mailto:danlittle at yahoo.com )
Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Getting Started - Need Help
I do have a working version of GeoMoose on a USB currently. Is was an experiment, and I didn't use the MS4W framework in this first attempt. The version I have running is an early V2.x, but I think I'll move forward with a V2.2 once it's out, and in order to stay in alignment with the GeoMoose community, I'll have at least one version that is implemented with the MS4W framework, but I'm also interested in configurations similar to what Kris has described, more narrowly business oriented installs.
My planned roadmap:
Components (initially) included on the USB (for windows):
* Firefox - Running the browser from the USB has many advantages the least being that the web/application designer can predict what browser is being used. While I generally build things to be cross browser compliant, starting out with one up front is usually much easier on the nerves.
* Apache - Apache can be run from the USB or from the local machine as a service. preconfiguring Apache allows for some interesting application development tweaks with regard to Web Services. There are even possibilities related to running things in different authentication modes.
* PostGIS (and/or some other Spatial / non-spatial) database - For those layers that need to be used for searches, nothing beats a SQL database. Authentication handling could also be accomplished in this fashion.
* MapServer / GeoMoose (2.2) / MS4W - Current GeoMoose demo. There will be options for easily changing up the demos to include different types of business example applications as well. NOTE: I'm not a big fan of PHP, but it will likely make it's way into things at least here in this demo edition of thing since it's the default handler of server side operation right now.
Some (of my personal) preferences for inclusion in the future:
* PERL server side handler
* Ruby / Rails services integration.
* Simpler demo(s), demo not dependent on Services and/or databases.
So, after reading this, what would other like to see as operational capabilities and/or features that they would like included?
>>> "KDSwanson" <kswan at iw.net> wrote:
That would be so awesome! Any help is very appreciative!
From: Dan Little ( mailto:danlittle at yahoo.com )
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 8:16 PM
To: KDSwanson ( mailto:kswan at iw.net ) ; Bob - City Basques ( mailto:bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us )
Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Getting Started - Need Help
Hey Kris,
I'm forwarding your message to Bob Basques. He's been working on a USB-drive deployable version of GeoMOOSE that sounds about perfect for the type of use you're looking to use. Essentially, you'd be able to plug in the USB drive, hit start and you'd have a full blown web-based GIS on the laptop. Bob may also be able answer some more of your other questions.
KDSwanson <kswan at iw.net>
Dan Little <danlittle at yahoo.com>
Mon, January 4, 2010 8:08:21 PM
Re: [Geomoose-users] Getting Started - Need Help
Hi Dan,
I'm new to geomoose and what brought me here is I have a friend who is a director of an ambulance service in a neighboring county.
He indicated that he was going to use this mapping software on a set of laptops within his ambulance service.
I work for an ambulance service in the next county over and I'd like to do the same but am not fluent with the software and would like to have some of this under my belt before I present such an idea to those who would approve such a request.
My county already has a geomoose site but since our ambulances are mobile and we really have no budget for fancy Toughbooks and wireless internet the thought is we could install the software locally and then do quarterly map updates.
I've already accomplished installing the MS4W and then also have the geomoose 1.6.1 and 2.0.1 installed locally on my PC.
I've been thinking of what we'd need to make for quick searches and the few sites I've been too allow you to search by PID, Owner, Address, Section, etc.
Our county site only allows for PIN and Owner (http://rock.houstoneng.com/rock/rock.html). Ideally, we want Address and Owner. We live in a rural area and have E911 so all of the rural addresses have fire numbers.
I presume it is just a matter of doing the right configuration to acquire the Address search option.
The other thing that I noticed between 1.6.1 and 2.0.1 is the menu bar is gone and I'm not seeing an option for the Minimize/Maximize of the Control Panel that is either on the right or left side of the map.
Lastly, once I find out who the correct person is to ask about acquiring the map data for my county I'd need to know what to ask for.... I presume I need the files that would be found in the "Maps" directory but then again, I'm sure I need specific configurations too.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
From: Dan Little ( mailto:danlittle at yahoo.com )
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 7:36 PM
To: Home Owner ( mailto:1010linden at gmail.com ) ; geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net ; geomoose-developers at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Getting Started - Need Help
Can you give us more specifics on what you'd like help with? Generally, there's a lot of folks here on the list that have done quite a bit of work with GeoMOOSE and could lend a hand.
Home Owner <1010linden at gmail.com>
geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net; geomoose-developers at lists.sourceforge.net
Mon, January 4, 2010 3:37:33 PM
[Geomoose-users] Getting Started - Need Help
I was able to get geomoose 2.0 running on my windows machine.
however, I am not sure how to go about making changes to it so it is more customized for my purpose.
Looking to see if there anyone out there that can lend a hand and give me some one-on-one help.
i'm a quick learner so I shouldn't take up much time.
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