[Geomoose-users] slideshow/tour within GeoMoose
Brent Fraser
bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Tue Jun 15 14:47:39 EDT 2010
The prototype using meta/refresh works ok. It automatically "fowards" to the
next set of instructions after a set number of seconds, and doesn't hang the
While it's not AJAX-y, it does avoid pinning the CPU. I'm moving on to add
more functionality: pause, play, and some kind of html template (header, footer)
mechanism for easier configuring.
The basic architecture:
In the mapbook (right now I'm using the layer's metadata button , but that will
have to change):
when clicked a window opens with a "play" button invoking:
a "pause" button would invoke:
The slideshow.php would look at the "mode" to decide to insert a refresh:
if mode=play, then insert a refresh (the browser will wait 10 seconds):
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="10;
(and insert a pause button)
no meta tag, but insert a play button
The meat would be in the slide1, 2, etc html files (currently coded by hand),
something like:
<script type='text/javascript'>
function runslide()
if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed)
var mapWin = window.opener;
var GeoMOOSE = mapWin.GeoMOOSE;
GeoMOOSE.zoomToExtent(-12711115, 6271185,-12665227, 6309521);
GeoMOOSE.addPopup(-12687075, 6290155, 200, 100, "This is a popup.");
<body onload="runslide();">
wrapped in a header and footer.
Bob, If you use the GeoMOOSE changeLayerURL in the slide files, you have the
server automatically deliver different images for your weather animations. The
GPS via SVG/GML workflow might take some additions to GeoMOOSE....
Best Regards,
Brent Fraser
Brent Fraser wrote:
> I had considered using Flash or creating screen movies using CamStudio (and
> we will do that for our "Help" page). But I think what we're looking for is the
> ability to have a timed tour, but give the user the ability to interrupt the
> tour and pan/zoom/view layers, then resume the tour.
> I think I'll look into the HTML self-update technique using the meta tag:
> <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="60;
> URL=http://www.mymap.com/slideshow/php?slide=1">
> and the "slide=" gets incremented in the PHP. Dunno how to do the
> interupt/resume yet.
> Once we've got a technique that works, it could likely be enhanced to
> - send links to images (for weather animation), and
> - send XML/GML for GPS positions
> Your History recorder is a good idea too...
> Brent
> Bob Basques wrote:
>> Brent,
>> Jim K. has been looking at how to animate some things for GPS trails and
>> such, I think he has some ideas here. A generic approach would be
>> beneficial for a number of functions.
>> Some functionality we're look looking at (or have looked at):
>> ** Animating through multiple (temporal) images (for Weather animations
>> for example).
>> ** Animation of a GPS track, could be images and/or SVG (or some other
>> canvas type thing)
>> ** There was a conversation at one point about adding in some sort of
>> scripting support to GeoMoose that was interpreted on the client. HTML
>> can update itself for example.
>> ** There was also talk of adding in a History recorder that could allow
>> for replaying a user session.
>> To date I just use a Flash desktop movie maker for these types of
>> things, It's pretty quick to do too. There are free ones and pay for,
>> I like Flashback myself.
>> Here are a few that I've done recently:
>> _/http://www.mngeo.state.mn.us/committee/emprep/structures/index.html/_
>> (look for "Video Tutorials")
>> bobb
>>>>> Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> If you followed last week's "Layer Functions" thread you know that I
>> used the
>> GeoMOOSE API to create a "Zoom To Layer Extents" button on the metadata
>> results
>> page.
>> Our marketing guy asked if it would be possible to create a
>> "slide-show" or
>> "tour" using similar techniques. At first I thought it would be easy
>> and had
>> the php return:
>> var mapWin = window.opener;
>> var GeoMOOSE = mapWin.GeoMOOSE;
>> GeoMOOSE.clearPopups();
>> GeoMOOSE.zoomToExtent(-12711115, 6271185,-12665227, 6309521);
>> GeoMOOSE.turnLayerOn("Quickbird/Waterton");
>> GeoMOOSE.addPopup(-12687075, 6290155, 200, 100, "Quickbird Imagery
>> supplied by
>> Geoanalytic");
>> wait(3000);
>> GeoMOOSE.clearPopups();
>> GeoMOOSE.zoomToExtent(-12702314, 6719493,-12696849, 6724881);
>> GeoMOOSE.turnLayerOn("Parcels/all");
>> GeoMOOSE.addPopup(-12701359, 6721881, 200, 100, "Parcels supplied by
>> AltaLIS");
>> only to find out that Javascript has no wait/sleep/pause function, and
>> in fact
>> the whole idea is contrary to the async nature of JavaScript. I did
>> find some
>> info at http://www.devcheater.com/ outlining the problem, some solutions and
>> their effect on various browsers. The best approach looks like using
>> XMLHttp
>> and server-side scripting to get things to wait, but perhaps there's a
>> better way?
>> Any thoughts?
>> Brent Fraser
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