[Geomoose-users] slideshow/tour within GeoMoose

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Tue Jun 15 15:12:50 EDT 2010


There are a couple of ways to go at this,  You could use a predefined set of named images (in the case of Weather maps) where a service just swaps them out on the server periodically.  Very easy to implement and document, then the client just needs to know which image(s) to update on it's own.  Not very flexible, but fairly stable. 

The other route, would be to figure out a method for handling the image(s)/temporal naming, could also be done on the server similar to the Weather images, but same problems in the end as far as flexibility, or lack of. 

Also, could plant the names into a DB and use Temoral SQL query to only get the images,data from the last <chunk of time> and go with this, would need some sort of XMLish output to be handled correctly in the client. 


>>> Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com> wrote:

wrapped in a header and footer.

Bob,  If you use the GeoMOOSE changeLayerURL in the slide files, you have the
server automatically deliver different images for your weather animations. The
GPS via SVG/GML workflow might take some additions to GeoMOOSE....

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

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