[Geomoose-users] Loading graphic

Len Kne lkne at houstoneng.com
Thu Oct 21 15:43:33 EDT 2010

There is an OpenLayers add-in that also works in GeoMOOSE.

See http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/Addins/LoadingPanel

It's a little messier than you would think because there can be many layers loading which can take different amounts of time.  If you know which layer will always take the longest to load, you could put the event listener on just that layer.  Could be a future user extension...


From: Sean Ziniker [mailto:Sean.Ziniker at co.jefferson.or.us]
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 1:32 PM
To: geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Geomoose-users] Loading graphic

I was wondering if there is a paramater in Geomoose to have a loading graphic display when the app first loads, when layers are turned on or when services are called.  I have the "Loading" text display when I run a service but the services usually process fairly quickly unless calling many records.  I just feel like the user needs something more visual to let them know when a process is working.


Sean Ziniker
GIS Analyst
Jefferson County, Oregon
66 S.E. "D" Street, Suite B
Madras, OR 97741
541.325.5083 Office
541.325.5089 Fax

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