[Geomoose-users] printing in geomoose

Eli Adam eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Thu Dec 15 12:03:14 EST 2011


    I've not been able to think of any great ideas on this.  Does
everything on the map display fine?  Does your GeoServer wms work as
expected in a desktop client (qgis, udig, ArcMap, etc)?  If you know
of a WMS in your geographic region that is is your coordinate system,
you may want to try with that to see if it prints.

> As I maybe failed to state clearly, I use geoserver instead of mapserver...

It sounded like your installation also had MapServer and phpMapScript
on it.  Those are used in the printing function.  Here are some
commands that might help find if you have those things:
locate mapserv
(maybe /usr/lib/cgi-bin/)/path/to/mapserv -v
locate mapscript (hopefully php_mapscript.so is located somewhere
appropriate maybe /usr/lib/php5/...)

Can you give the results of mapserv -v?

> But there should be no problem, i suppose.
> The error references coordinates like 1 607 164 is number in the correct
> range of values for my coordinate
> system, and I am trying to print area of Prague, Czech republic... It's
> correct.
> I don't know how you mean "to try tracing backwards from here to try and
> find it". Sorry, but I have no clue, where the problem is or where it could
> be. And if I had an idea, i don't know how to trace it and so on.. I'm
> really sorry. And also I would like to thank you for your help!

To trace backwards, you can put print statements in the function and
see the values of variables by debugging in your browser.  When you
see what values these variable hold it may tip you off as to the
problem.  It doesn't always give useful information and sometime takes
a lot of time.

HTH, Eli

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