[Geomoose-users] no he logrado identificar capas

Eli Adam eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Tue Nov 22 13:17:48 EST 2011

     I don't know Spanish but guessing from an online translator program
(http://www.microsofttranslator.com/) I think that your question is:

I have a problem at the time of identifying the attributes in the
selected layers not is what will be the problem

Try deleting two commas (,).

Compiled.js around line 2216 is currently:

			} else if(type == 'ags') {
				var layer_options = {
					resolutions: CONFIGURATION.scales,

it should be:

			} else if(type == 'ags') {
				var layer_options = {
					resolutions: CONFIGURATION.scales

Same thing in main.js line 501

>From the online translator:

Intente eliminar dos comas (,).

Compiled.js en línea 2216 es actualmente:

			} else if(type == 'ags') {
				var layer_options = {
					resolutions: CONFIGURATION.scales,

debería ser:

			} else if(type == 'ags') {
				var layer_options = {
					resolutions: CONFIGURATION.scales

Lo mismo en main.js línea 501

Best Regards, Eli

2011/11/22 Carlos Alberto Pereira Urrutia <carlosp.sistemas at gmail.com>:
> tengo un problema al momento de identificar los atributos en las capas
> seleccionadas no se cual sera el problema
> www.corpoboyaca.gov.co:81/geomoose2/corpoboyaca.html
> --
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