[Geomoose-users] PSC Update: Progress on Versioned Docs

Dan Little danlittle at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 28 09:55:24 EST 2011

You can see the differences here:
- http://www.geomoose.org/2.4/http://www.geomoose.org/2.4/api/
- http://www.geomoose.org/trunk/

- http://www.geomoose.org/trunk/api/

Right now "/" points to a different directory altogether called "snapshot_20111128", until this morning "/" pointed the docs built from trunk.  Back in Denver we discussed that this is sub-optimal since very few users actually work straight out of trunk.   Sorry JimK, you will ned to use "/trunk" to find it into the future.  When we finalize the 2.6 docs, we will mark that as the "current" branch in the doc build scripts and point "/" to that.

This change has not effected the organization in SVN so Eli, myself, and others should be able to continue as normal.

There are also two super-nerd changes we should consider:
1) Support IPv6.  This is a tenant of JimK's religion.  While I'm not observant of his church, I think it certainly would like to see us execute on this particular project.
2) SSL?  A freebie signed certificate is available but I'm really not sure it's necessary as we do not collect, require, nor disseminate PII.

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