[Geomoose-users] (More) trouble with query service on parcel data

Eli Adam eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Mon Dec 3 10:53:48 PST 2012

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Bistrais, Bob <Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov>wrote:

>  I’m still managing to crash the standard GM query service with my
> statewide parcel layer.  First, I’ll disclose that the parcel data is a
> shapefile.  This actually turned out to be the most reliable.  I’ve tried
> FileGDB, and this actually choked more readily than shape.  PostGIS,
> unfortunately, is not an option to my shop.  ****
> So, using the standard query service, I type in two parameters (map_bk_lot
> and town).  I get the timeout error.

You might be able to adjust your php settings (or other aspects) to allow
for longer running queries.


> If I take a subset of the data, such as a town or county, it’ll work with
> the shapefile.****
> Furthermore, I experimented using layer->queryByAttributes, and this works
> very well with the statewide shapefile.  (and again, the FileGDB croaked)
> Problem here is, I’d like to use the standard highlighting and zoom to that
> come with GM, but I’ve gotten lost in that part of the code.****
> Any guidance/suggestions?****
> ** **
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