[Geomoose-users] best way of creating a .map file to display many classes inside a layer

NicoTek nicotek at live.com
Tue Jul 17 07:06:59 PDT 2012


I received a folder with all the files needed for mapping such as DBF, 
SHP, PRJ...etc

I don't have a ".map" file and I usually create that in notepad.
This time I would have to create about 50 classes inside a layer where 
each class has an "expression" and a "color" and for the color I go to a 
site that creates a gradient scale that I then copy and paste the color 

My question: Is there a more direct or even automatic way of doing this? 
I prefer not to have to create 50 or more layers and copy paste colors 
into it. My fear is that in the near future I will have to map layers 
with one hundred or more classes


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