[Geomoose-users] Identify not working

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Wed Sep 19 12:55:28 PDT 2012

Does your settings.ini file have entries like


and do the files pointed to by the wms_* entries exist in the htdocs\php 

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 9/19/2012 1:47 PM, Matej Mailing wrote:
> Just now I have found out that in my case I have no "projection"
> parameter sent into the identify.php when comparing to the working
> parcels sample. We are using EPSG:4326 - could this be a problem?
> Thanks,
> Matej
> 2012/9/19 Matej Mailing <mailing at tam.si>:
>> Hi all,
>> I was able to get parcels identification working, but my layer still
>> doesn't work. When enabling debug messages in identify.php, I get the
>> followint output:
>> "Notice: Undefined index: wms_header in /path/php/identify.php on line 116
>> Warning: file(): Filename cannot be empty in /path/php/identify.php on line 116
>> Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /path/php/identify.php
>> on line 116
>> Notice: Undefined index: wms_record in /path/php/identify.php on line 117
>> Warning: file(): Filename cannot be empty in /path/php/identify.php on line 117
>> Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /path/php/identify.php
>> on line 117
>> Notice: Undefined index: wms_footer in /path/php/identify.php on line 118
>> Warning: file(): Filename cannot be empty in /path/php/identify.php on line 118
>> Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /path/php/identify.php
>> on line 118
>> Warning: mapObj::queryByPoint(): [MapServer Error]: msQueryByPoint():
>> No matching record(s) found.
>>   in /path/php/identify.php on line 170"
>> When turning off the debug mode, I get the same output as mentioned
>> before: just coordinates of the point.
>> Thanks for any ideas,
>> Matej
>> 2012/9/13 Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us>:
>>> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Matej Mailing <mailing at tam.si> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have followed all 3 points, but with no success. I still get the
>>>> coordinates and that's it ...
>>> If you started with the demo, does identify on the parcels work?
>>>> Now I have removed all the fields from the template file (that begins
>>>> with the <!-- MapServer Template -->) so it only outputs some "hello
>>>> world text", but it still doesn't work. I have now found a
>>>> metadata="true" option available when defining the layer in the
>>>> mapbook file, but also with this set to true it doesn't work. I have
>>>> also added only this layer to be used for identify via <input
>>>> type="hidden" name="layers" value="..."/> with no result :/
>>>> What is the best way to debug this issue?
>>> Firefox/firebug could be a good way to start.  Using the firebug
>>> console on the online demo leads to seeing things like:
>>> post
>>> dojo.preventCache       1347492736022
>>> layers  blank%3Ablank/blank%3Aborders%3Aborders/city_labels%3Aborders/county_labels%3Aborders/city_poly%3Aborders/county_borders%3Aparcels%3Aparcels/parcels%3Asketch
>>> projection      EPSG%3A3857
>>> shape   POINT%28-10372969.112863%205552707.7829098%29
>>> Source
>>> layers=blank%253Ablank%2Fblank%253Aborders%253Aborders%2Fcity_labels%253Aborders%2Fcounty_labels%253Aborders%2Fcity_poly%253Aborders%2Fcounty_borders%253Aparcels%253Aparcels%2Fparcels%253Asketch&projection=EPSG%253A3857&shape=POINT%2528-10372969.112863%25205552707.7829098%2529&dojo.preventCache=1347492736022
>>> response
>>> <results><script> GeoMOOSE.clearLayerParameters('highlight');
>>> GeoMOOSE.turnLayerOff('highlight/highlight');</script><html><![CDATA[<!--
>>> MapServer Template -->
>>> Detailed information for the area you clicked on the map...
>>> <table border="0">
>>> <tr>
>>> <td colspan="2"><b><u>Ground Coordinates</u></b>
>>> <br>
>>> <b>X: </b>485549.182735
>>> <br>
>>> <b>Y: </b>4934226.01043</td>
>>> </tr>
>>> <tr>
>>> <td> </td>
>>> <td> </td>
>>> </tr>
>>> </table>
>>> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
>>> <tr bgcolor="#DEE5EB"><td colspan="2"><b><u>Parcels</u></b></tr>
>>> <tr>
>>> <td align="right"><b>PIN:</b></td>
>>> <td>130260001175 <a
>>> href="javascript:GeoMOOSE.startService('feature_report', {'PIN' :
>>> '130260001175', 'src' : 'parcels/parcels'})">Report</a></td>
>>> </tr>
>>> <tr>
>>> <td align="right"><b>Owner Name:</b></td>
>>> <td>Thaddeus Garcia</td>
>>> </tr>
>>> <tr>
>>> <td align="right"><b>Est. Market Value:</b></td>
>>> <td>1178700</td>
>>> </tr>
>>> <tr>
>>> <td align="right"><b>Acres:</b></td>
>>> <td>154.37</td>
>>> </tr>
>>> <tr>
>>> <td> </td>
>>> <td> </td>
>>> </tr>
>>> ]]></html><footer><![CDATA[<b>Disclaimer: This information is being
>>> distributed as demonstation data only.  You should not use the data
>>> for any other purposes.</b>
>>> ]]></footer></results>
>>> You can do the same with your site and see exactly what is coming back
>>> in the response.  Posting more specific details (relevant parts of
>>> mapbook.xml, ogrinfo of datasource) or providing a link to your
>>> website might make it easier for people to make suggestions.  Getting
>>> the parcels example working correctly and then closely matching the
>>> parcels set can be a starting place.  Also confirm that relative paths
>>> are correct.
>>> Best Regards, Eli
>>>> Thanks for any ideas in advance ....
>>>> Matej
>>>> 2012/9/13 Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us>:
>>>>> Matej,
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Matej Mailing <mailing at tam.si> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have a layer where I have added
>>>>>>                 METADATA
>>>>>>                         'identify_record'       'templates/identify.html'
>>>>>>                 END
>>>>>> and created a file in the subdirectory of the directory where the map
>>>>>> file is. Identify service is active since when I click to some point I
>>>>> Does your template start with:
>>>>> <!-- MapServer Template -->
>>>>>> get the coordinates. This layer can be the only layer turned on in the
>>>>>> Catalog, but I still get no identify results and the message
>>>>>> containing the coordinates seems to be used.
>>>>> Can you review this draft updated documentation and see if it helps?
>>>>> http://geomoose.org/trunk/howto/identify.html
>>>>> HTH, Eli
>>>>>> What am I doing wrong? I have been pulling my hair out for quite some
>>>>>> hours now ...
>>>>>> Thanks for all the ideas.
>>>>>> Matej
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