[Geomoose-users] Identify not working

Matej Mailing mailing at tam.si
Wed Sep 19 13:20:30 PDT 2012


wms_* entries were commented out (non-wms_* were not), but also after
uncommenting them the situation is the same. When checking the POST
parameters for identify.php with Firebug, there is no projection. The
projection file (Javascript) is successfully loaded on the site and
the EPSG:4326 is set both in mapbook.xml and settings.ini (in [map]

The parcels demo has data stored in SHP and we are using PostGIS for
it. I have gone through both map files and the only difference is that
in the WEB METADATA of our mapfile we have wms_title, wms_srs and
wms_enable_request and in parcels mapfile there are ows_* tags ...


2012/9/19 Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com>:
> Does your settings.ini file have entries like
> [identify]
> identify_header=identify/header.html
> identify_footer=identify/footer.html
> wms_header=identify/wms_header.html
> wms_record=identify/wms_record.html
> wms_footer=identify/wms_footer.html
> and do the files pointed to by the wms_* entries exist in the htdocs\php
> folder?
> Best Regards,
> Brent Fraser
> On 9/19/2012 1:47 PM, Matej Mailing wrote:
>> Just now I have found out that in my case I have no "projection"
>> parameter sent into the identify.php when comparing to the working
>> parcels sample. We are using EPSG:4326 - could this be a problem?
>> Thanks,
>> Matej
>> 2012/9/19 Matej Mailing <mailing at tam.si>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was able to get parcels identification working, but my layer still
>>> doesn't work. When enabling debug messages in identify.php, I get the
>>> followint output:
>>> "Notice: Undefined index: wms_header in /path/php/identify.php on line
>>> 116
>>> Warning: file(): Filename cannot be empty in /path/php/identify.php on
>>> line 116
>>> Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /path/php/identify.php
>>> on line 116
>>> Notice: Undefined index: wms_record in /path/php/identify.php on line 117
>>> Warning: file(): Filename cannot be empty in /path/php/identify.php on
>>> line 117
>>> Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /path/php/identify.php
>>> on line 117
>>> Notice: Undefined index: wms_footer in /path/php/identify.php on line 118
>>> Warning: file(): Filename cannot be empty in /path/php/identify.php on
>>> line 118
>>> Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /path/php/identify.php
>>> on line 118
>>> Warning: mapObj::queryByPoint(): [MapServer Error]: msQueryByPoint():
>>> No matching record(s) found.
>>>   in /path/php/identify.php on line 170"
>>> When turning off the debug mode, I get the same output as mentioned
>>> before: just coordinates of the point.
>>> Thanks for any ideas,
>>> Matej
>>> 2012/9/13 Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us>:
>>>> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Matej Mailing <mailing at tam.si> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have followed all 3 points, but with no success. I still get the
>>>>> coordinates and that's it ...
>>>> If you started with the demo, does identify on the parcels work?
>>>>> Now I have removed all the fields from the template file (that begins
>>>>> with the <!-- MapServer Template -->) so it only outputs some "hello
>>>>> world text", but it still doesn't work. I have now found a
>>>>> metadata="true" option available when defining the layer in the
>>>>> mapbook file, but also with this set to true it doesn't work. I have
>>>>> also added only this layer to be used for identify via <input
>>>>> type="hidden" name="layers" value="..."/> with no result :/
>>>>> What is the best way to debug this issue?
>>>> Firefox/firebug could be a good way to start.  Using the firebug
>>>> console on the online demo leads to seeing things like:
>>>> post
>>>> dojo.preventCache       1347492736022
>>>> layers
>>>> blank%3Ablank/blank%3Aborders%3Aborders/city_labels%3Aborders/county_labels%3Aborders/city_poly%3Aborders/county_borders%3Aparcels%3Aparcels/parcels%3Asketch
>>>> projection      EPSG%3A3857
>>>> shape   POINT%28-10372969.112863%205552707.7829098%29
>>>> Source
>>>> layers=blank%253Ablank%2Fblank%253Aborders%253Aborders%2Fcity_labels%253Aborders%2Fcounty_labels%253Aborders%2Fcity_poly%253Aborders%2Fcounty_borders%253Aparcels%253Aparcels%2Fparcels%253Asketch&projection=EPSG%253A3857&shape=POINT%2528-10372969.112863%25205552707.7829098%2529&dojo.preventCache=1347492736022
>>>> response
>>>> <results><script> GeoMOOSE.clearLayerParameters('highlight');
>>>> GeoMOOSE.turnLayerOff('highlight/highlight');</script><html><![CDATA[<!--
>>>> MapServer Template -->
>>>> Detailed information for the area you clicked on the map...
>>>> <table border="0">
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td colspan="2"><b><u>Ground Coordinates</u></b>
>>>> <br>
>>>> <b>X: </b>485549.182735
>>>> <br>
>>>> <b>Y: </b>4934226.01043</td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td> </td>
>>>> <td> </td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> </table>
>>>> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
>>>> <tr bgcolor="#DEE5EB"><td colspan="2"><b><u>Parcels</u></b></tr>
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td align="right"><b>PIN:</b></td>
>>>> <td>130260001175 <a
>>>> href="javascript:GeoMOOSE.startService('feature_report', {'PIN' :
>>>> '130260001175', 'src' : 'parcels/parcels'})">Report</a></td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td align="right"><b>Owner Name:</b></td>
>>>> <td>Thaddeus Garcia</td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td align="right"><b>Est. Market Value:</b></td>
>>>> <td>1178700</td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td align="right"><b>Acres:</b></td>
>>>> <td>154.37</td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> <tr>
>>>> <td> </td>
>>>> <td> </td>
>>>> </tr>
>>>> ]]></html><footer><![CDATA[<b>Disclaimer: This information is being
>>>> distributed as demonstation data only.  You should not use the data
>>>> for any other purposes.</b>
>>>> ]]></footer></results>
>>>> You can do the same with your site and see exactly what is coming back
>>>> in the response.  Posting more specific details (relevant parts of
>>>> mapbook.xml, ogrinfo of datasource) or providing a link to your
>>>> website might make it easier for people to make suggestions.  Getting
>>>> the parcels example working correctly and then closely matching the
>>>> parcels set can be a starting place.  Also confirm that relative paths
>>>> are correct.
>>>> Best Regards, Eli
>>>>> Thanks for any ideas in advance ....
>>>>> Matej
>>>>> 2012/9/13 Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us>:
>>>>>> Matej,
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Matej Mailing <mailing at tam.si> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I have a layer where I have added
>>>>>>>                 METADATA
>>>>>>>                         'identify_record'
>>>>>>> 'templates/identify.html'
>>>>>>>                 END
>>>>>>> and created a file in the subdirectory of the directory where the map
>>>>>>> file is. Identify service is active since when I click to some point
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>> Does your template start with:
>>>>>> <!-- MapServer Template -->
>>>>>>> get the coordinates. This layer can be the only layer turned on in
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> Catalog, but I still get no identify results and the message
>>>>>>> containing the coordinates seems to be used.
>>>>>> Can you review this draft updated documentation and see if it helps?
>>>>>> http://geomoose.org/trunk/howto/identify.html
>>>>>> HTH, Eli
>>>>>>> What am I doing wrong? I have been pulling my hair out for quite some
>>>>>>> hours now ...
>>>>>>> Thanks for all the ideas.
>>>>>>> Matej
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