[Geomoose-users] coordinates showed in footer section

Alejandro Garcia alegarmen at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 02:43:38 PST 2013

Hello to all,

I'm starting to prepare a map web viewer based on geomoose 2.6. All my data
are in EPSG:32628, that is, UTM28N and WGS84. I followed the instruccions I
found here (http://www.geomoose.org/docs/projections.html), but it doesn't
work, I can see maps but not in the correct position by far. The aplication
seems work always in EPSG:3857. I've seen even in the live demo (
http://www.geomoose.org/demo/geomoose.html) coordinates showed are under
EPSG:3857 specifications instead do it in EPSG:26915.
As you can imagine, show the coordinates in our reference system is very
What I'm doing wrong? any help?
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