[Geomoose-users] new project an/or extension for geomoose

Paul Wickman paul at flatrockgeo.com
Mon Mar 25 10:17:16 PDT 2013

My initial though we be that you source it out independently; the parts
that can act entirely separate/non-dependent on GeoMoose.  I think it might
garner a decent amount of attention on it's own, allowing people to use it
as part of other environments.

As you roll out the parts that pull it in as a true GeoMoose service, you
can post that part as a GM add-on.


On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) <
bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:

>  All,****
> ** **
> I have some code that we’re (The City and a commercial vendor) are
> interested in open sourcing.  It’s related to AVL (GPS tracking of vehicles
> in our project) and currently consists of PERL (CGI) scripts against
> PostGres/PostGIS database and schema as well as MapServer.  There are some
> a variety of mapped based reporting functions as well as online map based
> visualizers built against GeoMoose and OpenLayers.****
> ** **
> We have a desire to more fully integrate the package with GeoMoose as well
> as build out some new components for handling the updating of the client
> with some Push functionality as well as animation (updating routines) in
> GeoMoose to handle the pushed data feeds.****
> ** **
> To the question, what are people on the list thoughts about associating
> this project with  GeoMoose.  It’s entirely able to act as a separate
> entity as well, and the binding of the animation and pushed data feeds
> could be implemented more as an extension in that case.  The mapping side
> of the equation can be anything GeoMoose, Open Layers, etc . . .****
> ** **
> The tools related to animation and pushed data feeds seemed like they
> could be reusable by others if integrated into GeoMoose at the core level,
> hence my questions here, but if the thought is that this should stay
> separate then so be it.****
> ** **
> For a quick look at things, here are some screenshots of the mapping side
> of things:****
> ** **
> http://pwultra5.ci.stpaul.mn.us/cp_tiles/tmp/screenshot1.png****
> http://pwultra5.ci.stpaul.mn.us/cp_tiles/tmp/screenshot2.png****
> http://pwultra5.ci.stpaul.mn.us/cp_tiles/tmp/screenshot3.png****
> http://pwultra5.ci.stpaul.mn.us/cp_tiles/tmp/screenshot4.png****
> ** **
> There is still a lot of functionality to add to this as well, it’s in a
> serviceable state right now.  Even remaining as a separate project and
> still related to the GeoMoose stack would be an option as well.****
> ** **
> Thanks****
> ** **
> For your attention****
> ** **
> Bobb****
> ** **
> ** **
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Paul Wickman
CTO | Flat Rock Geographics
612.280.5850 | paul at flatrockgeo.com
www.flatrockgeo.com | twitter.com/flatrockgeo
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