[Geomoose-users] GeoMoose Printing request parser (PERL)

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Wed Sep 4 13:34:28 PDT 2013


Additional items related to my Parser for the printing from GeoMoose.

An example layer, JSON object (from the Demo for the "Parcels" layer) that is sent from GeoMoose for printing, looks something like this:

                params => HASH(0xd0ae08)

                       FORMAT => image/png;bits=8

                       SRS => EPSG:3857

                       SERVICE => WMS

                       LAYERS => parcels

                       MAP => /srv/geomoose/geomoose-2.6.1/maps//demo/parcels/parcels.map

                       map => /srv/geomoose/geomoose-2.6.1/maps//demo/parcels/parcels.map

                       TRANSPARENT => TRUE

                       VERSION => 1.1.1

                       REQUEST => GetMap

                       STYLES =>

               legends => ARRAY(0xd0ae80)

                       0 => /mapserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?FORMAT=image%2Fpng%3Bbits%3D8&MAP=%2Fsrv%2Fgeomoose%2Fgeomoose-2.6.1%2Fmaps%2F%2Fdemo%2Fparcels%2Fparcels.map&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLES=&LAYERS=parcels&SRS=EPSG%3A3857&BBOX=-10393038.057085,5549777.3884558,-10346373.251323,5578976.3332566&WIDTH=1221&HEIGHT=764&SCALE=108336.00408736734&LAYER=parcels

               url => /mapserver/cgi-bin/mapserv

               type => wms

               layers => ARRAY(0xd0ae98)

                       0 => parcels

Question: what would be the approach to grab each Layers "title" value from the mapbook for inclusion in the request?  I want the Pretty-print value from the MapBook to build out a layer legend.  In the above example the corresponding  TITLE value => "Parcels" in the MapBook.  And I guess while were at it, what about the META value as well.  Hmm, now that I look closely at other layers, maybe I should be asking for all the Layer parameters (I may have missed some here) Am I in trac/ticket territory here? :

<map-source   . . .>

file => <PATH>              (Already included - concatenated with GeoMoose home path)

url => <URL>

layer - NAME => <STRING>    (Already included)

layer - STATUS => <ON/OFF>

param - <TRANSPARENT> => <TRUE/FALSE>        (Already included)

param - <FORMAT> => <MIME-STRING>             (Already included)


<layer   . . .>

title => <STRING>

src => <PATH>               (Already included - sort of)

status => <ON/OFF>

legend => <TRUE/FALSE>      (Already included - As Legend Link)

fade => <TRUE/FALSE>

unfade => <TRUE/FALSE>

metadata => <TRUE/FALSE>


Tip => <STRING>



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