[Geomoose-users] GeoMoose Printing request parser

Brian Fischer bfischer at houstoneng.com
Tue Sep 3 19:06:25 PDT 2013

This is what is supported for a map source.  http://www.geomoose.org/docs/mapbook.html#map-source  But I think the print service is limited to WMS, vector and AGS.  I may be wrong though.

Brian Fischer
Principal | GIS Project Manager
Houston Engineering, Inc.
O 763.493.4522 | D 763.493.6664 | F 763.493.5572

From: geomoose-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:geomoose-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 12:31 PM
To: geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Geomoose-users] GeoMoose Printing request parser


This message is directed at the printing gurus of GeoMoose.

I've put together a PERL (I know, I know) parser for the printing requester in GeoMoose.  The output, so far, can be seen below.  I just used the default print layers from the Demo interface to get this far.  I did add in some drawn objects, a point, line and polygon.  Focusing on parsing of the "layers" parameter I've made good progress so far, but . . .

Question: Are there other optional TYPEs of objects that I need to worry about?  Is there a MAPSERVER type for example or ??, do any of the baselayers (BING, GOOGLE, assuming I have a API key to print with . . .) have types assigned to them for printing?  I see four sub hashes from the top level for PARAMS, LEGENDS, LAYERS and FEATURES. So far I just see TYPEs for WMS and VECTOR out of GeoMoose DEMO.

Also, can I assume that the stacking order is the same as the top level (layer) listing order?  I don't see any Z-index info.

Looking in print_util.php I see something for AGS as a type, (ArcGIS), but mysteriously MapServ types are missing . . . . Can I add these in via parameters in the mapbook for a Mapserver layer and they'll get passed through automagically?

I may be using the wrong keywords for looking this up in the docs, but I didn't get any results from trying there.






<html><![CDATA[Test Response<hr><br />

template = letter_landscape

date = true

dojo.preventCache = 1377811726279

scale = map

title = Map

quality = 2

layers =


               params => HASH(0xd0ff70)

                       FORMAT => image/png

                       SRS => EPSG:3857

                       SERVICE => WMS

                       LAYERS => blank

                       TRANSPARENT => TRUE

                       VERSION => 1.1.1

                       REQUEST => GetMap

                       STYLES =>

               legends => ARRAY(0xd0ffe8)

                       0 => ./images/blank.gif?FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLES=&LAYERS=blank&SRS=EPSG%3A3857&BBOX=-10393038.057085,5549777.3884558,-10346373.251323,5578976.3332566&WIDTH=1221&HEIGHT=764&SCALE=108336.00408736734&LAYER=blank

               url => ./images/blank.gif

               type => wms

               layers => ARRAY(0xd10000)

                       0 => blank


               params => HASH(0xd0b018)

                       FORMAT => image/png

                       SRS => EPSG:3857

                       SERVICE => WMS

                       LAYERS => city_labels,county_labels,city_poly,county_borders

                       MAP => /srv/geomoose/geomoose-2.6.1/maps//demo/statedata/basemap.map

                       map => /srv/geomoose/geomoose-2.6.1/maps//demo/statedata/basemap.map

                       TRANSPARENT => TRUE

                       VERSION => 1.1.1

                       REQUEST => GetMap

                       STYLES =>

               legends => ARRAY(0xd0b0a8)

                       0 => /mapserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?MAP=%2Fsrv%2Fgeomoose%2Fgeomoose-2.6.1%2Fmaps%2F%2Fdemo%2Fstatedata%2Fbasemap.map&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLES=&LAYERS=city_labels%2Ccounty_labels%2Ccity_poly%2Ccounty_borders&SRS=EPSG%3A3857&BBOX=-10393038.057085,5549777.3884558,-10346373.251323,5578976.3332566&WIDTH=1221&HEIGHT=764&SCALE=108336.00408736734&LAYER=city_labels

                       1 => /mapserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?MAP=%2Fsrv%2Fgeomoose%2Fgeomoose-2.6.1%2Fmaps%2F%2Fdemo%2Fstatedata%2Fbasemap.map&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLES=&LAYERS=city_labels%2Ccounty_labels%2Ccity_poly%2Ccounty_borders&SRS=EPSG%3A3857&BBOX=-10393038.057085,5549777.3884558,-10346373.251323,5578976.3332566&WIDTH=1221&HEIGHT=764&SCALE=108336.00408736734&LAYER=county_labels

                       2 => /mapserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?MAP=%2Fsrv%2Fgeomoose%2Fgeomoose-2.6.1%2Fmaps%2F%2Fdemo%2Fstatedata%2Fbasemap.map&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLES=&LAYERS=city_labels%2Ccounty_labels%2Ccity_poly%2Ccounty_borders&SRS=EPSG%3A3857&BBOX=-10393038.057085,5549777.3884558,-10346373.251323,5578976.3332566&WIDTH=1221&HEIGHT=764&SCALE=108336.00408736734&LAYER=city_poly

                       3 => /mapserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?MAP=%2Fsrv%2Fgeomoose%2Fgeomoose-2.6.1%2Fmaps%2F%2Fdemo%2Fstatedata%2Fbasemap.map&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLES=&LAYERS=city_labels%2Ccounty_labels%2Ccity_poly%2Ccounty_borders&SRS=EPSG%3A3857&BBOX=-10393038.057085,5549777.3884558,-10346373.251323,5578976.3332566&WIDTH=1221&HEIGHT=764&SCALE=108336.00408736734&LAYER=county_borders

               url => /mapserver/cgi-bin/mapserv

               type => wms

               layers => ARRAY(0xd0fe20)

                       0 => city_labels

                       1 => county_labels

                       2 => city_poly

                       3 => county_borders


               params => HASH(0xd0ae08)

                       FORMAT => image/png;bits=8

                       SRS => EPSG:3857

                       SERVICE => WMS

                       LAYERS => parcels

                       MAP => /srv/geomoose/geomoose-2.6.1/maps//demo/parcels/parcels.map

                       map => /srv/geomoose/geomoose-2.6.1/maps//demo/parcels/parcels.map

                       TRANSPARENT => TRUE

                       VERSION => 1.1.1

                       REQUEST => GetMap

                       STYLES =>

               legends => ARRAY(0xd0ae80)

                       0 => /mapserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?FORMAT=image%2Fpng%3Bbits%3D8&MAP=%2Fsrv%2Fgeomoose%2Fgeomoose-2.6.1%2Fmaps%2F%2Fdemo%2Fparcels%2Fparcels.map&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLES=&LAYERS=parcels&SRS=EPSG%3A3857&BBOX=-10393038.057085,5549777.3884558,-10346373.251323,5578976.3332566&WIDTH=1221&HEIGHT=764&SCALE=108336.00408736734&LAYER=parcels

               url => /mapserver/cgi-bin/mapserv

               type => wms

               layers => ARRAY(0xd0ae98)

                       0 => parcels


               features => ARRAY(0xd0acd0)

                       0 => HASH(0xd0ac88)

                               style => HASH(0xd0abc8)

                                      hoverPointRadius => 1

                                      hoverStrokeOpacity => 1

                                      strokeLinecap => round

                                      cursor => inherit

                                      hoverStrokeWidth => 0.2

                                      hoverFillColor => white

                                      hoverStrokeColor => red

                                      pointRadius => 6

                                      strokeDashstyle => solid

                                      fillOpacity => 0.4

                                      strokeOpacity => 1

                                      hoverFillOpacity => 0.8

                                      fillColor => #7fff00

                                      pointerEvents => visiblePainted

                                      strokeColor => #ff0000

                                      label => thing1

                                      hoverPointUnit => %

                                      strokeWidth => 1

                               geometry => POLYGON((-10386321.152852 5573558.8587547,-10381352.746014 5573711.7328112,-10382613.956981 5567711.4260917,-10389072.88587 5566641.3076958,-10386321.152852 5573558.8587547))

                               attributes => HASH(0xd0ac58)

                                      label_only => false

                                      fill_color => #7fff00

                                      line_color => #ff0000

                                      title => thing1

                       1 => HASH(0xd0aa00)

                               style => HASH(0xd0a940)

                                      hoverPointRadius => 1

                                      hoverStrokeOpacity => 1

                                      strokeLinecap => round

                                      cursor => inherit

                                      hoverStrokeWidth => 0.2

                                      hoverFillColor => white

                                      hoverStrokeColor => red

                                      pointRadius => 6

                                      strokeDashstyle => solid

                                      fillOpacity => 0.4

                                      strokeOpacity => 1

                                      hoverFillOpacity => 0.8

                                      fillColor => #ff0000

                                      pointerEvents => visiblePainted

                                      strokeColor => #ff0000

                                      label =>

                                      hoverPointUnit => %

                                      strokeWidth => 1

                               geometry => LINESTRING(-10374626.287526 5572947.3625285,-10373861.917243 5569622.3517985,-10367211.895783 5570883.5627651,-10375772.84295 5567252.803922)

                               attributes => HASH(0xd0a9d0)

                                      label_only => false

                                      fill_color => #ff0000

                                      line_color => #ff0000

                                      title =>

                       2 => HASH(0xd19128)

                               style => HASH(0xd191e8)

                                      hoverPointRadius => 1

                                      hoverStrokeOpacity => 1

                                      strokeLinecap => round

                                      cursor => inherit

                                      hoverStrokeWidth => 0.2

                                      hoverFillColor => white

                                      hoverStrokeColor => red

                                      pointRadius => 6

                                      strokeDashstyle => solid

                                      fillOpacity => 0.4

                                      strokeOpacity => 1

                                      hoverFillOpacity => 0.8

                                      fillColor => #ff0000

                                      pointerEvents => visiblePainted

                                      strokeColor => #ff0000

                                      label =>

                                      hoverPointUnit => %

                                      strokeWidth => 1

                               geometry => POINT(-10370575.125027 5573597.0772688)

                               attributes => HASH(0xd19158)

                                      label_only => false

                                      fill_color => #ff0000

                                      line_color => #ff0000

                                      title =>

               type => vector

extent = -10393038.057085%2C5549777.3884558%2C-10346373.251323%2C5578976.3332566



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