[Geomoose-users] problem with mail labels

Jim Dahl jimd at co.douglas.mn.us
Fri Jan 17 14:17:20 PST 2014

I am using the mail labels tool in GeoMoose where a problem arises when printing to Word without Parcel number.  When it starts to launch Word, the error says "Ambiguous cell mapping encountered.  Possible missing paragraph element.  <p> elements are required before every </tc>."

It works when the PIN is included but fails without the PIN.  It seems only to fail with larger number of labels.

I am not sure if there is a problem with old code or if it lies in Word.  Any suggestions are helpful.

Douglas County e-mail addresses have changed.
Addresses no longer contain the full name of the employee and the last part of the e-mail address is now: @co.douglas.mn.us.
Please update your contact information for Douglas County employees.
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