[Geomoose-users] epsg:23032 projection error [SOLVED]
Carlo Pelliconi
c.pelliconi at sis-ter.it
Thu Mar 6 00:19:39 PST 2014
After a long time,
I've found a little time for comparing proj refsys defs under QGIS and
under Mapserver:
adding a +towgs84= statement in the Mapserver /usr/share/proj/epsg file
(just for the wrong-working epsg-code), also in Geomoose reprojection
works properly. This can be done for all the refsys you need (I've
tested it for 2 different italian locales).
Thank you all for the hints.
With Best Regards,
Il 16/01/2014 22:43, Dan Little ha scritto:
> Jim is probably right that supplementing with the correct datum shift
> files would help. I'm out of my comfort zone on making a
> recommendation. GeoMOOSE can be configured to work with any
> projection if both the source data and destination projection are the
> same.
> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 1:32 PM, James Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com
> <mailto:klassen.js at gmail.com>> wrote:
> You are probably correct. Datum transformations are somewhat tricky.
> I am assuming:
> Your GeoMoose is using EPSG:3857.
> You want MapServer to reproject on the fly your data from
> EPSG:23032 to EPSG:3857 for display in GeoMoose.
> In this case, nothing should need to change regarding projections
> in GeoMoose from the demo. However, you may need to find and
> install the correct "datum shift grid" files in the proj4
> installation used by MapServer. Since QGIS is working for you, I
> presume it is using a different installation of proj4 that has the
> necessary datum shift grid files.
> On 2014/1/15 4:48 AM, Carlo Pelliconi wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> thanks a lot for your interest.
>> It seems, in my opinion, a problem while converting from ED50 to
>> WGS84.
>> I've tried looking "inside" QGIS (which works properly in
>> reprojecting runtime the layer from epsg23032 to epsg3857) for
>> "exporting" the solution to geomoose, but I was not able to solve.
>> At the moment I work with the layer in epsg32632 and thus in my
>> geomoose project (epsg3857) all goes ok, but I'd like to solve
>> also starting from epsg23032.
>> Any hint is appreciated.
>> Thank you!
>> With Best Regards
>> Carlo
>> Il 14/01/2014 17:41, Dan Little ha scritto:
>>> Carlo,
>>> Did you make any progress on this? I'm just now getting back
>>> messages from before the holidays.
>>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 2:42 AM, Carlo Pelliconi
>>> <c.pelliconi at sis-ter.it <mailto:c.pelliconi at sis-ter.it>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've an issue with epsg:23032.
>>> When I call a layer in this RefSys in my epsg:3857 geomoose
>>> project, I see wrong positioning of that layer against the
>>> other layers.
>>> If I save the same layer in epsg:32032 and use it in the
>>> same epsg:3857 geomoose project (obviously, managing in the
>>> mapfile the related changes in extent coordinates), the
>>> positioning is correct.
>>> I've also tried changing EPSG23032.js in projection folder,
>>> but with no success.
>>> Is this a known issue? is it available a workaround?
>>> Or, on the other hand, where is my mistake?
>>> Thank you very much for any advice.
>>> With Best Regards,
>>> Carlo
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*Carlo Pelliconi*
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