[Geomoose-users] Identify Tolerance

Clinton Olsen clintono at emery.utah.gov
Fri Sep 5 13:33:00 PDT 2014


When I try to identify my point layer and check on the Response Body under
the F12 network tab.  My the page is blank with no data to view.

I also have two polygon layers that have the identify feature working
correctly.  And when I checked their Response Body after identifying it is
blank and says no data to view.

The geomoose demo on the link you sent to me give a response back from the
server, but mine are not giving responses even though some of the layers
still post back identify results.

I changed my tolerance to 50 and got the same result.  I tried tolerance
500 and got the same result.  I double checked the other suggestions from
TC Haddad, and still no change.

On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com>

>  Clinton,
> if you double click on the "/geomoose2/php/idenitfy.php" entry in the
> Internet Explorer debugger, then click on the "Response Body" tab, it
> should show you what was sent from the server.  It should look something
> like (I'm using the Geomoose demo at http://demo.geomoose.org/master/):
> <results>
> <script> GeoMOOSE.clearLayerParameters('highlight');
> GeoMOOSE.turnLayerOff('highlight/highlight');</script>
> <html><![CDATA[<!-- MapServer Template -->
> Detailed information for the area you clicked on the map...
> <table border="0">
> <tr>
> <td colspan="2"><b><u>Ground Coordinates</u></b>
> <br>
> <b>X: </b>486432.0118221
> <br>
> <b>Y: </b>4939167.527998</td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td> </td>
> <td> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
> <tr bgcolor="#DEE5EB"><td colspan="2"><b><u>Parcels</u></b></tr>
> <tr>
> <td align="right"><b>PIN:</b></td>
> <td>037- <a href="javascript:GeoMOOSE.startService('feature_report',
> {'PIN' : '037-', 'src' : 'parcels/parcels'})">Report</a></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td align="right"><b>Owner Name:</b></td>
> <td>Andera Harris</td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td align="right"><b>Est. Market Value:</b></td>
> <td>0</td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td align="right"><b>Acres:</b></td>
> <td>159.90</td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td> </td>
> <td> </td>
> </tr>
> ]]></html><footer><![CDATA[<b>Disclaimer: This information is being
> distributed as demonstation data only.  You should not use the data for any
> other purposes.</b>
> ]]></footer>
> </results>
> Best Regards,
> Brent Fraser
> On 9/5/2014 10:27 AM, Clinton Olsen wrote:
> I used a ESRI program to reproject the layer to web mercator, so Geomoose
> isn't doing any reprojecting.
>  I took the advice to set my TOLERANCE to 3 and the TOLERANCEUNITS to
> pixels and I still don't have any result other than the coordinates.
>  I ran Geomoose through the Internet Explorer F12 network tool and when I
> try an identify it seems to send its data through
> /geomoose2/php/idenitfy.php, with a POST method and 200 for the Result.
>  Thanks for the suggestions so far.  Any other ideas as to what I could
> try?
>         NAME "boulders"
>         DATA "boulders.shp"
>         TYPE POINT
>         METADATA
>  # drill-down identify service record.
>      'identify_record' 'identify_boulders.html'
>  END
>         TOLERANCE 3
>         TOLERANCEUNITS pixels
>         LABELMAXSCALE 100000
>          CLASS
>               NAME 'Boulders'
>         STYLE
>            SYMBOL 'CIRCLE'
>  COLOR 255 102 51
>              SIZE 8
>          END
>       FONT vera_sans-bold
>       SIZE 8
>      COLOR 0 0 0
>       OUTLINECOLOR 254 254 254
>       BUFFER 4
>       POSITION auto
>  SIZE 7
>    END #end label
>      END#end class
>  END#end layer
> END #end map
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Anderson, Dean <
> anderson.dean at co.polk.or.us> wrote:
>> That sounds better to me. Especially when you have different projections.
>> On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com>
>> wrote:
>>>  Clinton,
>>> I like using
>>>         TOLERANCE 3
>>> to make it more "zoom friendly".
>>> And you can use the debugging tool (F12, Network tab, Response sub-tab)
>>> on your browser to view the conversation between browser and the server.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Brent Fraser
>>>  On 9/3/2014 9:20 AM, Clinton Olsen wrote:
>>> Dean,
>>>  I adjusted my map file according to your suggestions and I still am
>>> not retrieving any information from the point layer.  I don't know if this
>>> will help but I have all of my layers reprojected to the web mercator
>>> projection (EPSG:3857).  Is there a way to see if anything is being passed
>>> when I try to identify an object?  Below is my mapfile with the suggested
>>> changes.
>>>  LAYER
>>> NAME "boulders"
>>> DATA "boulders.shp"
>>>  # drill-down identify service record.
>>>  'identify_record' 'identify_boulders.html'
>>>  END
>>>  CLASS
>>>               NAME 'Boulders'
>>>   STYLE
>>>          SYMBOL 'CIRCLE'
>>>  COLOR 255 102 51
>>>            SIZE 8
>>>             END
>>>   LABEL
>>>  TYPE        TRUETYPE
>>>       FONT vera_sans-bold
>>>        SIZE 8
>>>        COLOR 0 0 0
>>>        OUTLINECOLOR 254 254 254
>>>        BUFFER 4
>>>        POSITION auto
>>>        SIZE 7
>>>  END #end label
>>>   END#end class
>>> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Anderson, Dean <
>>> anderson.dean at co.polk.or.us> wrote:
>>>> Here is what I use to identify roads and the tolerances seems to work
>>>> fine.  (TOLERANCE 100
>>>>   TOLERANCEUNITS FEET)  as follows:
>>>>  Layer  #14
>>>>   Name "Roads"
>>>>   Data './data/RoadAllWeb'
>>>>   Status On
>>>>   Type Line
>>>>   'identify_record' 'templates/identify_road.html'
>>>>   END
>>>>   TOLERANCE 100
>>>>   ClassItem "RoadType"
>>>> Class
>>>>    Name "Major Roads"
>>>>    minscale 40001
>>>>    maxscale 100000
>>>>    EXPRESSION "Major Roads"
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  Width 4
>>>>  COLOR 168 112 0
>>>>  END
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 2
>>>>  COLOR 255 211 127
>>>>  END
>>>>   End
>>>>   Class
>>>>    Name "Major Roads"
>>>>    maxscale 40000
>>>>    Minscale 10001
>>>>    EXPRESSION "Major Roads"
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 4
>>>>  COLOR 168 112 0
>>>>  END
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 2
>>>>  COLOR 255 211 127
>>>>  END
>>>>   End
>>>>   Class
>>>>    Name "Major Roads"
>>>>    maxscale 10000
>>>>    EXPRESSION "Major Roads"
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 6
>>>>  COLOR 168 112 0
>>>>  END
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 3
>>>>  COLOR 255 211 127
>>>>  END
>>>>   End
>>>>   Class
>>>>    Name "Standard Roads"
>>>>     EXPRESSION "Local Roads"
>>>>    minscale 40001
>>>>    maxscale 100000
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 2
>>>>  COLOR 160 160 160
>>>>  END
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 1
>>>>  COLOR 204 204 204
>>>>  END
>>>>   End
>>>>   Class
>>>>    Name "Standard Roads"
>>>>     EXPRESSION "Local Roads"
>>>>    maxscale 40000
>>>>    minscale 10001
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 4
>>>>  COLOR 160 160 160
>>>>  END
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 2
>>>>  COLOR 204 204 204
>>>>  END
>>>>   End
>>>>   Class
>>>>    Name "Standard Roads"
>>>>     EXPRESSION "Local Roads"
>>>>    maxscale 10000
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 6
>>>>  COLOR 160 160 160
>>>>  END
>>>>  STYLE
>>>>  width 3
>>>>  COLOR 204 204 204
>>>>  END
>>>>   End
>>>> End
>>>>  On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Clinton Olsen <
>>>> clintono at emery.utah.gov> wrote:
>>>>>   When I try to identify a line or a point I get coordinates on the
>>>>> left side of the template.  Is there a way to troubleshoot the identify
>>>>> tool?  I know I might not have the tolerance set right but how can I figure
>>>>> out what the tolerance should be.  I have tolerance numbers I have used
>>>>> range from 0 - 100.  I have tried meters, feet, pixels.  I referenced the
>>>>> how to setup identify on the geomoose.org site and I got one of my
>>>>> polygon layers to work.  My template and mapfile are listed below.  How can
>>>>> I troubleshoot what is wrong with these files?
>>>>>  <!-- MapServer Template -->
>>>>> <tr><td colspan="2"><b>Boulder Areas</b></td></tr>
>>>>>  <tr><td>Boulder Area: [SECTION]</td></tr>
>>>>>  <tr><td>Boulder: [BOULDER]</td></tr>
>>>>>  <tr><td>LAT: [LAT]</td></tr>
>>>>>  <tr><td>LONG: [LONG]</td></tr>
>>>>>  <tr><hr></td></tr>
>>>>>  MAP
>>>>>  SIZE 800 650
>>>>>  STATUS ON
>>>>>  EXTENT  -12381838.298411 4760938.642311 -12327375.283263
>>>>> 4806362.074758
>>>>>  INCLUDE "../../geomoose_globals.map"
>>>>>  WEB
>>>>>  'ows_title' 'Boulders'
>>>>>  'ows_srs' 'EPSG:3857'
>>>>>  'ows_enable_request' '*'
>>>>>  'ows_onlineresource' 'http://www.geomoose.org'
>>>>>  END
>>>>>  END
>>>>>  'init=EPSG:3857'
>>>>>  END
>>>>>  LEGEND
>>>>>       STATUS ON
>>>>>       LABEL
>>>>>  FONT vera_sans
>>>>>  SIZE 8
>>>>>  COLOR 0 0 0
>>>>>       END
>>>>>  END
>>>>>  LAYER
>>>>>         NAME "boulders"
>>>>>         DATA "boulders.shp"
>>>>>          STATUS DEFAULT
>>>>>         TYPE POINT
>>>>>         TOLERANCE 0
>>>>>         TOLERANCEUNITS meters
>>>>>           LABELITEM 'BOULDER'
>>>>>         LABELCACHE ON
>>>>>         LABELMAXSCALE 100000
>>>>>             CLASS
>>>>>               NAME 'Boulders'
>>>>>            STYLE
>>>>>                SYMBOL 'CIRCLE'
>>>>>  COLOR 255 102 51
>>>>>  OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>>>>>              SIZE 8
>>>>>                   END
>>>>>   LABEL
>>>>>          TYPE TRUETYPE
>>>>>          FONT vera_sans-bold
>>>>>          SIZE 8
>>>>>          ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>>>          COLOR 0 0 0
>>>>>          OUTLINECOLOR 254 254 254
>>>>>          BUFFER 4
>>>>>          PARTIALS FALSE
>>>>>          POSITION auto
>>>>>  SIZE 7
>>>>>          END
>>>>>         END
>>>>>  # drill-down identify service record.
>>>>>        'identify_record' 'identify_boulders.html'
>>>>>  END
>>>>>  TOLERANCE 0
>>>>>      TOLERANCEUNITS meters
>>>>>  END
>>>>> END
>>>>>  Clinton Olsen
>>>>> IS/GIS Technician
>>>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>>> Geomoose-users mailing list
>>>>> Geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geomoose-users
>>>>  --
>>>> Dean R Anderson
>>>> IT Director
>>>> Polk County
>>>  --
>>> --
>>>  *Please note my email address has changed to clintono at emery.utah.gov.
>>>  Please update your records.  Thanks.
>>> --
>>>  Clinton Olsen
>>> IS/GIS Technician
>>> 435-381-3592
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Geomoose-users mailing listGeomoose-users at lists.osgeo.orghttp://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geomoose-users
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Geomoose-users mailing list
>>> Geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geomoose-users
>>  --
>> Dean R Anderson
>> IT Director
>> Polk County
>  --
> --
> *Please note my email address has changed to clintono at emery.utah.gov.
>  Please update your records.  Thanks.
> --
>  Clinton Olsen
> IS/GIS Technician
> 435-381-3592

*Please note my email address has changed to clintono at emery.utah.gov.
 Please update your records.  Thanks.
Clinton Olsen
IS/GIS Technician
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