[Geomoose-users] searching and highlight error

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Tue May 26 12:57:00 PDT 2015

It looks like the PROJ4 library that Mapserver depends on is not 
installed properly.  What is the PROJ_LIB environment variable set to?

You could try adding the following to your map files:

CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "\ms4w\proj\nad"

You would have to set the path portion in the line above to the location 
of your nad directory.

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 5/25/2015 2:02 PM, biswajit giri wrote:
> hello guys,
> this is my application link 
> :http://webgis.wbphed.gov.in/openlayers/htdocs/bhirbhum_rajnagar.php
> In this application everything is going fine except "search tubewell" 
> service.
> for example when I try to search tubewell where fluoride value > 1 it 
> shows not a valid xml file.
> I check it through firebug and it showing error in query_rajnagar.php 
> file in line 452:
> php fatal error: Call to a member function project() on a non-object 
> in query_rajnagar.php file on line 452.
> So, I try by setting comments in following three lines ( line no. 
> 451,452 and 453)
>             if($projection) {
>                             $shape->project($projection, $LATLONG_PROJ);
>                         }
>  After that search service running fine but not highlight features.
> and showing error in line 558
> $pointsLayer->addFeature($resultFeatures[$i]);
> php fatal error: addFeature method need object.
> Please somebody help me to overcome from these problem. This is my 
> thesis work so you understand my pressure.
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