[Geomoose-users] General question about Touch on GeoMOOSE

Jim Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 12:07:42 PDT 2016


The current state of the code is popups are hover to activate, click to
stick (or optionally always stick).  This is a case where the identify
model works better.

On 04/25/2016 01:30 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) wrote:
> All,
> Just wondering if anyone has used GeoMOOSE on Touch interfaces lately?
> I’m testing on a touch device some of Jim’s recent work and was
> pleasantly surprised that 95% of things worked as expected on a
> touchscreen.  One thing that didn’t is the popups.
> I understand that :hover is unknown to touch devices, etc.  There is
> mention of using :focus instead, but looking at things via the
> console, it looks like this is triggered dynamically in the code.
> So to the question, were the latest code enhancements centered around
> the “hover” vs “click” to stick for the popups, a possible solution here?
> Another thought, is this may be something better addressed in the much
> talked about “grid” viewer.  The popup trigger could be in there.
> I’m using an Asus C100P Google Chrome Book for testing.
> Thanks
> bobb
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> something that should not be done at all.” 
>                         - Peter Drucker
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