[Geomoose-users] Download link per layer.

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Tue Apr 26 08:48:38 PDT 2016


This is an on again, off again wishlist item for me.

Came up again this week here in the office.  I was wondering about adding a tool config to the mapbook for setting up a download link for data on a particular layer.  I understand that not all data sources are the same, and that some might be easier to setup than others, but in general, anyone else interested in this type of capability?

I initially thought about trying this with SHP files, of which we have about 260 different ones in our install.  Note: some layers are composed of more than one SHP file.  While thinking on it some more, another thought was to investigate whether some sort of standard output might be washed through Mapserver as a generic method of data output.  This would allow for a clip and ship approach too vs downloading an entire dataset, it also seems like it would help with data originating in Databases.  Maybe this is two different tools, or at least download options.  Some of the layers could easily be downloaded in their entirety.  Would GeoPackage be a possible output format to target for something like this, something else?  I’m also interested in any thoughts on how to manage/organize things on the backend.  I suspect that we have a good system already, but all ideas welcome.



“There is nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency something that should not be done at all.”
                        - Peter Drucker

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