[Geomoose-users] GM 2.9 - highlighting query results

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Wed Jun 8 12:56:06 PDT 2016


How can we highlight search results on a query in GeoMOOSE 2.9, or at least the single record? When we select it in the search results table.

I am guessing it is something such as:

<a  href="javascript:GeoMOOSE.changeLayerUrl('highlight','php/itemquery.php'); GeoMOOSE.updateLayerParameters('highlight', {'qitem' : 'PARCEL_ID', 'qstring' : '[PARCEL_ID]', 'layer' : 'AllLayers/parcels'}); GeoMOOSE.turnLayerOn('highlight/all'); javascript:GeoMOOSE.zoomToExtent([shpext format="$minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy" proj="epsg:103749"],'EPSG:103749'); ">[PARCEL_ID]</a><br/>

Mark Volz, GISP
Lyon County GIS Coordinator
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