[Geomoose-users] WFS in GM3

TC Haddad tchaddad at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 13:32:41 PDT 2017

I'm working my way through setting up GM3 with some local parcel data, and
am having issues with the portions that use WFS. Here's what's happening:

- local data draws fine

- Identify uses WMS GetFeatureInfo, and works fine

- Search and Select both use WFS and seem to generate valid queries. They
do not return an error when used, but do return an empty set of results.


- Search: figured out that there was a hard-coded field name in search.js
that wasn't mentioned in the docs, but after fixing that, I'm still not
getting any results from search...

- Select: seems to be passing valid coordinates in 4326 to the WFS. The
data is in 3857. The data is drawing correctly so I'm assuming the map file
is fine, but no results come back, so wondering about projection issues for
this one...

Any ideas where else I can look for issues?
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