[Geomoose-users] Identify with a https WMS source

Dan Little theduckylittle at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 05:04:46 PST 2017

Just a tip for those who may be in a mixed HTTP/HTTPS environment:

If you know your remote services support HTTPS and HTTP then you can use a
"schemaless" URL in order to specify the URL:

* //my.server.com/wms?
* //a.all-tiles.io/tileset/${x}/${y}/${z}.png



On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 4:49 PM, James Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com> wrote:

> If your GeoMoose (or other web map) is hosted on https but you are
> displaying tiles or WMS maps over http, the browser will complain
> (sometimes quietly) that the page isn't secure because some elements of the
> page were loaded over http and could have possibly be tampered with (say to
> insert javascript).
> Not necessarily a GeoMoose proper concern, but I also have sites that are
> enforcing https so they can use the geolocation API.  Thus those sites also
> require tiles/WMS over https.
> My experience with (MapServer) WMS over https is it works without issue
> for both web maps and the usual desktop applications.
> On Feb 6, 2017 2:28 PM, "Brent Fraser" <bfraser at geoanalytic.com> wrote:
>> Eli,
>>   Yes it can.  I don't recall doing anything special to mapserver or
>> mapcache to enable https.  And all Geomoose needs is a map-source url
>> starting with https.
>> Best Regards,
>> Brent Fraser
>> On 2/6/2017 11:53 AM, Eli Adam wrote:
>>> slightly off-topic: This is more of a MapServer question but relates
>>> to GeoMoose as a client too.  Can MapServer serve WMS/WFS over https?
>>> I've not found it in the docs or email lists (but my searching may be
>>> at fault).
>>> Best regards, Eli
>>> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Jeff McKenna
>>> <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Brent,
>>>> MS4W includes an important file for this, the CA certificate bundle, and
>>>> Apache's httpd.conf points to it (see
>>>> http://ms4w.com/README_INSTALL.html#k-certificates-for-https
>>>> -with-wms-wfs-servers).
>>>> However sometimes MS4W gets upgraded and that little file is forgotten
>>>> in
>>>> the release package (I believe this was missing in MS4W 3.1.4); the
>>>> file is
>>>> included in the recent MS4W 3.2.0 release.  But if you ever notice
>>>> anything
>>>> missing in an MS4W, please file a ticket right away on that at
>>>> http://ms4w.com/trac (otherwise that little file will be missed in the
>>>> next
>>>> release).
>>>> -jeff
>>>> On 2017-02-05 10:45 PM, Brent Fraser wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>    To get identify.php to work when I specify a WMS map-source using
>>>>> https (instead of the old and out-dated http), I had to add a couple of
>>>>> curl options to identify.php around line 196:
>>>>>          curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
>>>>>          curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
>>>>> Should I file an issue or is this already handled in 3.0?
>>>>> And what's with hardcoding "INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml" into
>>>>> the request?  Should we make that configurable in the map-source
>>>>> definition?
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>> --
>>>> Jeff McKenna
>>>> MapServer Consulting and Training Services
>>>> http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/
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