[Geomoose-users] TR: [GM 3.2] Identify Error

Renaud LAIRE r.laire at parc-livradois-forez.org
Mon Aug 20 05:52:51 PDT 2018

Hi all.

I'm using geomoose 2.9, and now i try to migrate to geomoose 3.2
I've already transferred my data and it's work great.
But when i try tu use the identify, i ve no result (blank screen on tab) , with the error on console 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'templates' of null'

The mapbook :

<map-source name="adm" type="mapserver" up="true" down="true" title="Limites Communales">
        <layer name="com" status="on" query-as="adm/com">
            <template name="identify" src="./templates/adm/identify_commune.html" />

The mapfile :

    TYPE polygon
      NAME "com"
                  CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
       CONNECTION "host=localhost user=-----  password=-----  dbname=bdgeo"
       DATA "geom from admin.communes as foo USING UNIQUE id USING SRID=2154"
                  TRANSPARENCY  75

And the file is well open when i try http://_IP_/desktop/templates/adm/identify_commune.html

Where i 've forget something ?
Any hints ?


Renaud LAIRE
PNR Livradois Forez
Maison du Parc
63880 ST Gervais sous Meymont
04 73 95 57 57

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