[Geomoose-users] Install Geomoose
Lara Perez- Jefa Departamento Cartografia y Topografia Ayuntamiento Oliva (Valencia) Spain
topografia at oliva.es
Mon Feb 3 23:54:36 PST 2020
Hi everyone. I have finally found the answer:
To work with EPSG: 25830, I added the projection to the files
common_metadata.map, I modified the geomoose_globals.map and the app.js.
The solution:
# Useful global metadata settings,
# enabled all WxS requests, sets common projections,
# and defaults to JSON for default wms_feature_info
'ows_enable_request' '*'
'ows_srs' 'EPSG: 25830 EPSG: 4326 EPSG: 3857'
'wfs_srs' 'EPSG: 25830 EPSG: 4326 EPSG: 3857'
'wms_feature_info_mime_type' 'application / json'
# A convienent place to setup a bunch of defaults for MapServer
# so they don't need to be set in every mapfile.
;"init = epsg: 25830"
EXTENT 746000 4304950 758100 4314500
app.loadMapbook({url: 'mapbook.xml'}).then(function() {
// set the default view.
center: [ -10682 , 4708000 ],
ref: 'EPSG:25830',
def: '+proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m
app.registerAction('fullextent', ZoomToAction, {
extent: [-18500,4702000,-3000,4715000]
var point_projections = [
label: 'UTM ETRS 89',
ref: 'EPSG:25830'
label: 'X Y: ',
ref: 'xy'
label: 'Lat,Lon',
ref: 'latlon'
app.add(gm3.components.JumpToExtent, 'jump-to-extent', {
locations: [
label: 'Termino Municipal',
extent: [-18500,4702000,-3000,4715000]
label: 'Casco Urbano',
extent: [-14600,4708500,-11690,4711200]
label: 'Playas',
extent: [-12900,4708190,-6912,4713700]
Notaci that coordinates for the view are in X,Y, not in UTMETRS89....
Now I would like to know how to change the scalebar units ... still in
miles ...
*Cap del Departament de Cartografia i Topografia*
Lara Perez Bessone
Enginyera Tecnica Topografa Municipal
email: topografia at oliva.es Tel. mòvil: 647 835 086 ext. 521
*Ajuntament d'Oliva - València*
Plaça del Ajuntament 1, 46780 Oliva
Tel. 962850250 Fax 962855165 www.oliva.es
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