[Geomoose-users] Install Geomoose

Lara Perez- Jefa Departamento Cartografia y Topografia Ayuntamiento Oliva (Valencia) Spain topografia at oliva.es
Mon Feb 3 04:18:49 PST 2020

Hi. Thank you all for the answers. Finally, I found the problem: the 
projection. My information is in EPSG: 25830 (UTM ETRS89 30N). Spain. I 
have read this post with problems in the projection of WFS through 
It is supposed to be solved ... but I agree with the same. I have 
changed the files app.js, parcels.map, geomoose_globlas.map and 
common_metadata.map ... the information is displayed ... but in the 
wrong coordinates .... The correct ones are: 750000; 4308000 for the 
center of the view, and I had to place it in 1433; 4714300 to be able to 
visualize it ....

Are Geomoose and Mapserver able to work with EPSG:25830?

*Cap del Departament de Cartografia i Topografia*
Lara Perez Bessone
Enginyera Tecnica Topografa Municipal
email: topografia at oliva.es Tel. mòvil: 647 835 086 ext. 521

*Ajuntament d'Oliva - València*
Plaça del Ajuntament 1, 46780 Oliva
Tel. 962850250 Fax 962855165 www.oliva.es

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