[GeoNode-devel] Option from GitHub for squashing commits

Simone Dalmasso simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Sat Aug 27 12:00:23 PDT 2016

Hi Francesco, I was discussing this with Daniel two days ago. The squashing
is great but I had the issue that committing to master or another
branch, squashing on github then pulling back to synchronize, it was
actually keeping all the previous messages. The result was that any other
pr had a long list of commits both from local and remote (squashed). So I
deactivated it.

This because sometimes create a branch for small things doesn't seem
necessary and working on master is just faster

Thanks for raising the discussion though, I'm curious to see what other

Btw you can activate I back from the repo settings -> options. Do it if you

Il sabato 27 agosto 2016, Francesco Bartoli <xbartolone at gmail.com> ha

> Hi devs,
> after my lost battle to squash commits I take this link [1] kindly copied
> from a polite email :) by Ian Turton in the geotools-devel list. Are
> someone able to activate the option to squashing merge on the acceptance of
> PR?
> Thanks,
> Francesco
> [1] https://github.com/blog/2141-squash-your-commits

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