[GeoNode-devel] DEBUG/DEBUG_STATIC mode with Windows installer deployment
Simone Dalmasso
simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 06:49:01 PDT 2017
Hi Kevin,
Unfortunately Geoexplorer is not managed by the debug_static setting. You
would have to modify it manually
In any case, debug_static requires also that all the js libraries are
fetched with npm + bower by running "bower install" in the static folder,
and collectstatic doesn't have any effect on that, debug static and debug
should be used with the development setup where static files are served by
the django development server.
Hope this helps.
2017-10-27 17:59 GMT+02:00 Côté, Kevin <Kevin.Cote at wsp.com>:
> Hi,
> I want to run GeoNode under DEBUG_STATIC mode to use modified non-minified
> javascript source code files. I installed GeoNode 2.6 with the Windows
> Installer and everything works fine. Here are my steps to try to use the
> 1. Modify the GeoExplorer-Debug.js file
> (C:\GeoNode-2.6.x\geonode-2.6.x\Lib\site-packages\geoexplorer\static\
> geoexplorer\script).
> 2. Run the “virtualenv_local_setup.bat” file to get in the
> virtualenv.
> 3. While in the virtualenv, I collected static file using python
> manage.py collecstatic (the file is being copied to static_root correctly).
> 4. Edit local_settings.py and settings.py: set DEBUG and
> DEBUG_STATIC to true.
> 5. Restart apache2/jetty services.
> After doing that, GeoNode is still loading the minified version and not
> the debug version of the javascript source code for GeoExplorer.
> How can I set correctly the file/settings so that the GeoNode instance is
> running in debug mode ?
> Kevin
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