[GeoNode-devel] Using "/" as SITEURL

Olivier Dalang olivier.dalang at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 20:00:51 PDT 2018

Hello !

I'm still fighting a little bit with this, as it seems that when running
updateip, layer thumbnails are lost...

It would be much simpler/portable if we could use a relative URL. Besides
the use case already mentioned (several hosts/schemes) I think it's quite
common to setup an instance (including uploading data, styles, thumbnails
etc) before having the final domain name.

The only place where I could understand an absolute URL is if there's such
a thing as main endpoint urls in some metadata.

I'll try to see if this is easy to fix or not (it almost worked in 2.6,
there's a new exception in 2.8).

Francesco can you develop a little bit the relation between SITEURL and
django.contrib.site ? From what I understand, there's no relation between
the two.

Kind regards,


On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 7:46 PM, francesco bartoli <xbartolone at gmail.com>

> Olivier,
> you can certainly override the SITEURL variable in a geonode project.
> In the sites framework of django that model provides the FQDN
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/ref/contrib/sites/ so it isn't a
> safe design decision.
> Francesco
> 2018-03-19 9:56 GMT+01:00 Alessio Fabiani <alessio.fabiani at geo-
> solutions.it>:
>> Currently is hard to say.
>> The response is, yes, it could be feasible but the whole code should be
>> reviewed in order to catch places where relative urls are not taken into
>> account.
>> As far as I know, for the moment everywhere the assumption is that
>> SITEURL is absolute.
>> Regards,
>> Alessio Fabiani
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>> 2018-03-16 3:49 GMT+01:00 Olivier Dalang <olivier.dalang at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi !
>>> When serving one Geonode instance using different host names or schemes
>>> (e.g. LAN/WAN ip, HTTP/HTTPS, multiple domain names), one would have to use
>>> "/" as SITEURL, so that absolute urls refer to the same scheme/domain.
>>> When doing so, I get the following exception when creating layers
>>> programmatically or running the updatelayers command
>>> :
>>>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/geonode/base/models.py",
>>> line 940, in resourcebase_post_save
>>>     if urlsplit(settings.SITEURL).hostname not in link.url:
>>> It seems it is assumed that SITEURL is an absolute URL including scheme
>>> and host name.
>>> The bug would be very easy to fix, but since it seems to be assumed
>>> SITEURL must be absolute, I was wondering if there may be some side effects
>>> in using "/" as SITEURL ?
>>> If there are no side-effects, wouldn't it be good to have "/" as a
>>> default instead of " http://localhost:8000/" ?
>>> Thanks !
>>> Olivier
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