[GeoNode-devel] Custom geonode project installation

Dimitris Kar dkarakostis at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 00:25:59 PST 2019

Hey Toni,

Unfortunately I can not confirm it. I still don't see the changes. Perhaps
I edit the wrong files? The source code for the core project is
under: /Envs/wfp_geonode/src/geonode
I tried to restart the local server after the changes but there was no
effect. Just in case, I also changed the permissions of the files.


On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 11:17 AM Toni Schönbuchner <
toni.schoenbuchner at csgis.de> wrote:

> Hi Dimitris,
> great to hear! For understanding
> If there is no file within your project structure which overwrites the
> core your core
> changes should apply. Can you confirm this?
> Cheers,
> Toni
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> Am 04.01.2019 um 09:29 schrieb Dimitris Kar <dkarakostis at gmail.com>:
> Hello Toni,
> Thanks for the answer. After reinstalling everything in a fresh VM,
> everything runs fine. I also made some tests editing the templates and
> creating a contrib app and everything seems to be working. I am aware that
> when using the geonode-project, its not recommended to edit/change the
> geonode core but I was curious to try that. For some reason though when I
> do minor changes on templates (/Envs/geonode/src/geonode), they are not
> applied. Are you aware if this is the expected behavior?
> Also I have checked your video on vimeo (
> https://vimeo.com/278003647#t=37m37s). Great documentation!
> On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 6:43 PM Toni Schönbuchner <
> toni.schoenbuchner at csgis.de> wrote:
>> Hi Dimitris,
>> let me recap:
>> IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/share/GeoIP'
>> This was solved by settings permissions of /usr/local/share
>> And then when I run the paver sync or the paver start (as in the
>> instructions), I get:
>> "...
>> django.db.utils.OperationalError: could not connect to server: Connection
>> refused
>>     Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
>>     TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
>> Note, with dev setup there is neither tomcat nor postgresql involved.
>> GeoServer is run by use of Jetty. Instead of Postgresql Setup we´re using
>> Sqlite.
>> So the error is here:
>> DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=wfp_geonode.local_settings
>> You´re using local_settings which expects a running postgresql server.
>> https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode-project/blob/master/project_name/local_settings.py.sample#L88
>> Try:
>> DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=wfp_geonode.settings
>> (settings instead of local_settings) instead.
>> I am running the installation in a virtual environment inside a vagrant
>> VM (ubuntu/xenial64). I thought it could be related with the port
>> forwarding but that seems to be configured ok in the vagrantfile:
>>   config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 5432, host: 5432
>> This is totally fine. It would only matter when running in production.
>> (Sqlite should not care about the port, in production I would further
>> close 5432 and
>> only connect by local_tunnel to postgres)
>> I also tried to check the configuration in the pg_config file but I can
>> not find out where my postgres is installed. I run: which psql but there is
>> no output.
>> Also only relevant with production setup. ;)
>> On a different note, the installation comes with jetty server right?
>> See above.
>> As summary. You can use the dev setup with with django-dev-server, jetty
>> and sqlite to quickly
>> setup a environment for development. Going to production is much more
>> complex as the different
>> parts have to be configured. ( The docs explain how (a bit outdated but
>> working.) I´ve created a little
>> ansible playbook which automates those steps:
>> https://github.com/csgis/geonode_ansible )
>> Hope this helps,
>> Toni
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