[GeoNode-devel] GeoNode Django Extra Blocks

Julierme Pinheiro juliermeopensourcedeveloper at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 13:58:40 PDT 2019

In regards to my previous email. I tried adding a paragraph right before
junbotron as shown bellow, but I did not get any success. It seems that I
am very close. The parapraph is showing in the console, but not on/over the
{% block middle %}

        <div id="geonode_paragraph" style="position: relative;">
                <p>{% blocktrans %}I am a geonode paragraph{% endblocktrans

{{ block.super}}

{% endblock %}
Kind regards


On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 2:14 PM Julierme Pinheiro <
juliermeopensourcedeveloper at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear users,
> I am trying to add a new block {% block content %}{% endblock %} to
> site_index.html, right before the {% block hero %}{% endblock %}, more
> specifically right before the class=jumbotron.  According to this video
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyFmF_v3z8c, I should have the {% block
> content %}{% endblock %} in the index.html file.
> I wonder if there is a extra block and its name to extend index.html
> before the block hero (class=junbotron).
> I also checked the site index.html line8
> <https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode/blob/master/geonode/templates/index.html#L8>,
> but not sure if I could inherit information to the body_class block.
> Instead of overriding, I want to add a new block, before the hero block.
> What block name should I use in my site_index.html? Find my block bellow:
> {% block geonode %}
>         <div id="myparagraph" style="position: relative; ">
>                 <p>{% blocktrans %}I am a paragraph.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
>         </div>
> {% endblock %}
> Any hint on that will be very appreciated.
> Kind regards
> Julierme
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