[GeoNode-devel] Slow upload with migrated geonode 3.2 docker project

Toni Schönbuchner toni.schoenbuchner at csgis.de
Mon May 31 06:37:45 PDT 2021

Dear Devs,

I'm running out of ideas with the following.

An early 3.1-dev has been migrated to 3.2 (both project docker).
The instance has around 2500 layer. Uploading of a very small shape 
takes around 2 minutes.
Mostly all of the time the upload bar is stuck at 80%.

I've checked and recreated all images inluding of course rabbitmq.
Django and celery logs do not show any obvious. Removing all styles and 
recreating geofence rules
(~ 50k in postgis) did not change anything either.

What brings back a normal upload behavior (~ 15 seconds) is by removing 
all registered layers
from /geoserver_data/data/workspaces/geonode/*

So my question is, does anybody know if the new async upload of 3.2 is 
doing something which
could slow down the process based on  the amount of configured
layers in geoserver (like rule invalidation, gwc,...)? Or something else 
I could check?

Thanks for any hint,


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