[GeoNode-devel] Practices on maintaining a geonode project, PR: "Align to GeoNode master 4.2.0"

Toni Schönbuchner toni.schoenbuchner at csgis.de
Tue Aug 1 02:55:41 PDT 2023

H Henning,

> Interesting approach. It seems even the blog you mention agrees with you when  saying "[...] so we had to help all developers apply the filter. That is one downside: it’s totally quiet, so failures aren’t readily surfaced." :-)

Exactly. It somehow always felt wrong.
Especially Devs not familiar with Geonode had a hard time understanding what 
is going on ;))

> However, I still assume changes in your working copy

Correct, I also have to make some small tweaks in my working copy.
But trying to keep them as simple as possible:


I did not touch settings.py except having the following in the end:

# custom settings
    from .my_custom_settings import *
except ImportError:

Doing so I can extend and override what ever I need like INSTALLED_APPS, but keep the rest of settings untouched.
Of course only things get into my_custom_settings that cannot be configured via .env anyways

> - docker/-compose files

Similar as with settings I do override certain parts with a custom compose file

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-custom.yml up -d

https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/compose/#use--f-to-specify-the-name-and-path-of-one-or-more-compose-files <https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/compose/#use--f-to-specify-the-name-and-path-of-one-or-more-compose-files>

Doing so docker-compose.yml can stay as

> or requirements.txt

Good point! I’ve just changed it and left a comment before my changes.
But I guess it should also work to mount your requirements into the container
and override the start command a bit:

entrypoint: ["/usr/src/geonode/entrypoint.sh", "bash", "-c", "pip install --no-cache-dir -r custom_requirements.txt && uwsgi --ini /usr/src/geonode/uwsgi.ini“]

(Untested, and leaving a comment in requirements.txt might be cleaner in that case ;)

> These changes can be kept at a minimum and probably in a local branch, of course. Did you also try different approaches with regard to customizing geonode-mapstore-client, or do you prefer programming a completely different UI (probably this depends ;-))?

To be honest, I have blocked adaptations for clients here as much as possible. Mainly because the reactive part of mapstore2 doesn't make it easy to develop (but that's due to my lack of knowledge).
Also maintaining a fork is something I like to prevent.

In some cases I have developed small custom viewers that only have geonode as a data provider.
In one particular case, I decided to listen for WFS requests, process them as needed and create some DOM elements. This is of course a very messy solution as the virtual DOM should not be touched. But in this case it could be accepted and I avoided a custom build ;) To get the idea.

  // Catch WFS request
  var elements = [];
    (function() {
    var origOpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
    XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function() {
        this.addEventListener('load', function() {
            if (this.responseText.includes(’something')){
                window.items = JSON.parse(this.responseText);

        origOpen.apply(this, arguments);


// Create the button that opens the compare tool
waitForElm("#drawer-menu-button").then((elm) => {
  console.log(„mapstore is ready“);
  // I guess there is a mapstore event we can listen on ...
  drawer = document.getElementById("mapstore-drawermenu");
  var i = document.createElement("i");
  i.classList.add("bi", "bi-arrow-left-right", "switch_icon");

  var _button = document.createElement("button");
  _button.setAttribute("id", "compare_button");
  _button.setAttribute("data-bs-toggle", "offcanvas");
  _button.setAttribute("data-bs-target", "#offcanvasRight");
  _button.setAttribute("aria-controls", "offcanvasRight");


and so on. Again this is of course a no no ;)

Hope this helps,



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