[GeoNode-users] Trouble uploading .sld files to GeoNode

Francesco Bartoli xbartolone at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 09:29:53 PDT 2015

Hi Tukang,

you can try to access GeoServer and generate the sld directly from the editor of styles where you can validate that too. Otherwise another way is through GeoExplorer under the maps menu then cut and paste the resulted XML to a SLD file always from the styles editor by browsing such new style inside GeoServer. As alternative you can get it too from the REST interface of styles.

Hope this helps

Il giorno 18/ago/2015, alle ore 16:14, Tukang Sampah <tkgsmph at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Dear all,
> I'm trying to upload an .sld file enclosed within a zipped shapefile. The style displays correctly on the layer detail page for this sample (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6wX8X80IDvoVUctWUdSODg3NGs). It's just a basic .sld that I copied from /geoserver/rest/styles.
> However if I use another .sld file (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6wX8X80IDvoS3otaVVLX1I5Z1E/view?usp=sharing) which has <sld:TextSymbolizer> defined, the shapefile upload completes but does not display correctly on the layer detail page (pink tiles, no thumbnail on the layer list page). Furthermore after that if I try to upload any other shapefile (with or without the .sld) it seems the previous error constantly happens. The only way to fix the upload process is to restart the tomcat7 service, so maybe geoserver crashed? I'm using the latest GeoNode from master branch on github with Oracle JRE installed.
> What is the proper way to generate .sld files that are compatible GeoNode? Does anyone have a sample zipped shapefile with a complex .sld that I can try?
> Thanks,
> Tukang
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