[GeoNode-users] Layers with epsg:4618 shiffting in GeoNode

Stefan Steiniger sstein at geo.uzh.ch
Tue Jun 16 12:16:50 PDT 2015

Hi Daniel (thanks for re-routing back to the list)

If it is indeed the projection, then the problem is with GeoServer and 
the projection library used (geotools?).
So, I doubt that parsing the code is the problem, but the parameters set 
in GeoServer, and not with GeoNode.

see this too:

cheers from Santiago de Chile,

On 06/16/2015 03:59 PM, Daniel Victoria wrote:
> -- replying to the list --
> Hi Stefan,
> Thanks for the input. EPSG:4618 is a geographic coordinate system 
> based on the South American Datum. And apparently somewhere GeoNode is 
> not liking this coordinate system. If I convert the data to EPSG:4326 
> in QGis prior to uploading, it all works fine. Could it be that QGIS 
> understands the .prj file for the EPSG:4618 but GeoNode does not and 
> assumes EPSG:4326?
> By looking at the ISO metadata from the EPSG:4618 layer, it tells me 
> that the data is in EPSG:4326. Does GeoNode converts the SRS on layer 
> upload? Or is that telling me that my projection file was bogus?
> Thanks
> Daniel
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Stefan Steiniger <sstein at geo.uzh.ch 
> <mailto:sstein at geo.uzh.ch>> wrote:
>     perhaps a silly question:
>     (a) are you indeed having the same coordinate system (same prj
>     files?) for both shape files?
>     (b) what happens if you not use epsg:4618 but some UTM? (sorry
>     can't figure exactly what 4618 is... it looks like geographic
>     coordinates, so perhaps a projection makes sense)
>     see also this:
>     http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Brazilian_Coordinate_Reference_Systems
>     cheers,
>     stefan
>     On 06/16/2015 11:26 AM, Daniel Victoria wrote:
>>>>     point_error.7z
>>     <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5VE16NDdlfERE5yenZNaHY2bTA/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>     ​​
>>     TC_AC_2010_00167.zip
>>     <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5VE16NDdlfEaGNHZ2ZSU0RjMHM/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>     ​I've got two shapefiles with epsg:4618. One is a polygon layer
>>     with loads of geometry errors and the second is a point layer
>>     with the error location. When I load both in QGIS, polygons and
>>     errors are aligned (layers_qgis.png). I then uploaded the layers
>>     to GeoNode (2.4b24) and points and polygons have shifted
>>     (layers_geonode.png).
>>     I then added back the two layers in QGis using WMS services. The
>>     points layer shifted a little (~8 meters - point_error.png) but
>>     polygons shifted 69 m (poly_error.png).
>>     Any idea what could be wrong?
>>     The shapefiles (poligon and points) can be downloaded from the
>>     google drive links
>>     Thanks
>>     Daniel
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