[GeoNode-users] Postgis extension on geonode DB
Renata Binotto
rbinotto at arpa.veneto.it
Tue May 12 23:14:34 PDT 2015
Hi Paolo,
thanks for this answer!
It's using "python manage.py inspectdb ...." too that we understood that
our db was connected only to the public schema, so your suggestion about
options settings it's exactly what we need! :-)
With yours and Simone's suggestions we hope to get through all
apps/projects "problems"!
We let you know!
Thank you sooooo much.
Il 12/05/2015 14:40, Paolo Corti ha scritto:
> Hi Renata
> I think you can create models for tables in a different database/schema.
> What you need to do is:
> * add a database in DATABASES as suggested by Simone and here:
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/db/multi-db/
> * if the tables for which you want to create models are in a schema
> different from public, you may add this using the OPTIONS setting in
> the DATABASES setting:
> 'default': {
> 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
> 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
> },
> 'my_external_db' : {
> 'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis',
> 'OPTIONS': {
> 'options': '-c search_path=yourschema,public'
> },
> 'NAME': 'mydb',
> 'USER' : 'myuser',
> 'PASSWORD' :'secret',
> 'HOST' : 'myhost',
> 'PORT' : '5432',
> },
> }
> By the way, you can use inspectdb to reverse the postgis layers to
> django models using the --database option:
> $ python manage.py inspectdb --database my_external_db
> hope it helps
> cheers
> p
>> 2015-05-12 12:21 GMT+02:00 Renata Binotto <rbinotto at arpa.veneto.it>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> we have a DB and a postgresql schema (call it ourSchema) with some layers
>>> and some tables and we want to edit the tables using Django Admin facilities
>>> (with server_ipaddress/admin). We wrote in local_settings in /etc/geonode
>>> the connection strings for this DB (ex: ourDB, in the same server with
>>> geonode) but after some tests we understood that:
>>> -- creating a new app (with python manage.py startapp ...), a models.py
>>> with our tables and using python manage.py syncdb --database=ourDB,
>>> Geonode re-create all django tables + our tables in the public schema of
>>> ourDB ('cause there's no info in local_settings about what schema is
>>> connected ourDB);
>>> -- but these new tables in ourDB/public are not seen by
>>> server_ipaddress/admin, but they are seen only if we create them in the
>>> schema geonode(=default)/public;
>>> -- so we thought we could put ourSchema inside geonodeDB or all its
>>> tables/layers in the geonode/public schema (even if we don't like this
>>> solution too much...), but ourSchema contains layers and geonodeDB has no
>>> postgis extensions so we couldn't.
>>> At the end, some desperate questions:
>>> -- is it possible to connect django server_ipaddress/admin to tables in a
>>> different DB (putting some connection string in the app directly, for
>>> example);
>>> -- is it possible to install postgis extension on geonodeDB?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Renata.
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>> Simone
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