[GeoNode-users] Attempting to download a raster layer produces error message
Benjamin Ducke
benducke at fastmail.fm
Fri Aug 26 04:04:26 PDT 2016
Following up on my own question:
On 25/08/16 18:48, Benjamin Ducke wrote:
> Dear All --
> Whenever I attempt to download a raster layer
> as a GeoTIFF (or an ArcGRID, or a GTOPO30),
> via the "Download" function of the GeoNode
> UI (stock 2.4.1, official Ubuntu packages),
> I get the following response:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ServiceExceptionReport
> version="1.2.0" > <ServiceException code="InvalidParameterValue"
> locator="bbox">
> illegal bbox, minX: 31.155457947966557 is greater than maxX:
> 14.633818174539961
> </ServiceException></ServiceExceptionReport>
> The strange thing is that neither of those
> extreme values are actually in the dataset
> (they are close, but not the same) and that
> the dataset's bounding box is intact and correct.
> Has anyone here encountered this problem and
> knows how to fix it?
> I have found this ticket:
> https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode/issues/1485
> ... and applied the patch mentioned at its bottom.
> However, that seems to have no effect.
Correction: After a server restart the patch is
effective and I can download raster layers as
GeoTIFF exactly as they are stored on the
Geoserver. Other GIS formats (ArcGrid, GTOPO30)
still just produce a WCS XML error and all download
choices now exist in quadruplicate, but at least
I can download data at its original resolution.
> Any hints appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ben
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Dr. Benjamin Ducke
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{*} GIS Developer
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