[GeoNode-users] Getting internal server error when trying to access layer page

Simone Dalmasso simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 00:28:22 PDT 2016

Hi, it's strange but looks like you have more than one "Legend Link" set
per layer. I have no idea how this can happen but go to the "Link" section
in the admin and make sure there's only one Legend link per layer. This
should help.

2016-07-19 20:04 GMT+02:00 Daniel Victoria <daniel.victoria at gmail.com>:

> Hi list,
> I just noticed that 2 layers in my GeoNode server gives my an internal
> server error (status 500) when I try to see the layer page
> (layers/geonode%3Alayer_name_here).
> The layers were uploaded using geonode shell and I can see it fine in
> GeoServer layer preview. I can also create a new map and add the faulty
> layer to it.
> I can see the layer information in the GeoNode Admin panel and when I try
> to delete it, I get the status 500 error again.
> I tried looking at the apache error log but I could not figure out what
> was wrong. So I attached the part of the error that happened the minute I
> tryed to load the layer. Any idea what's wrong?
> I'm running GeoNode 2.4 on Ubuntu, installed via apt-get
> Thanks
> Daniel
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