[GeoNode-users] Create issue with the shapefiel

Paolo Corti pcorti at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 13:21:28 PDT 2017

We should determine if it is a GeoServer or GeoNode problem.
GeoServer should automatically update the GeoWebCache tile cache when
editing features using a WFS transaction - at least this was working
properly at GeoNode 2.4. Can you check if the GeoWebCache cache is
correctly updated for that layer?
If not, this could be a client cache issue?

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 8:37 AM, Naresh N <naresh919 at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Dear All,
> Please suggest for the following queries
> 1. Uploaded spatial data(Shapefile). Viewed the uploaded data on Map
> composer,selected create          option from Edit drop down menu and
> created new features.
>   a. Clicked on Layers list and selected same layer/uploaded data and used
> Create Map option,in              map composer few of the newly created
> features are not loaded. However If I do any one of the        following
> actions on map composer all the features are visible
>        (i) Increase and decrease the zoom level
>        (ii) Clicking on Layer Properties Symbol and Clicked on DISPLAY tab
>        (iii) Close the layer panel and again open the layer panel
>       Please suggest what is the issue? how to resolve above
>    b.Clicked on  Layers list and selected same layer/uploaded data and Layer
> preview all the features are not visible in all the zoom levels.
>            Please suggest what is the issue? how to resolve above
> Thanks&Regards,
> Naresh.N
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Paolo Corti
Geospatial software developer
web: http://www.paolocorti.net
twitter: @capooti
skype: capooti

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