[GeoNode-users] Base layer is not visible on thumbnail of the uploaded content

Naresh N naresh919 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 27 21:02:49 PDT 2017

Dear Simone,

  Thanks a lot for answering my query.

  1.  However in case of Map - Thumbail -- when we publish/save the
thumbnail is getting generated with the base layer. Please suggest can we
do modification in code,
       so that  when we upload the layer , the thumbnail should be
generated  with the default selected base layer along with the uploaded

  2. Even some times  when we click on SetThumbnail, the thumbnail is not
refreshing and  if we reload the page or click on the some other links the
thumbnail get refreshers.
      I thinks there is some time delay or refresh problem. How do we over
come  this issue?

Naresh. N

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Simone Dalmasso <simone.dalmasso at gmail.com>

> Hi Naresh, that is not possible. The baselayer can only be visible if the
> client is currently showing a map with it and can send it to the server
> along with the thumbnail request. This is not available on layer upload.
> 2017-08-24 14:03 GMT+02:00 Naresh N <naresh919 at gmail.com>:
>> Dear All,
>>  After uploading the layer, if we click on layers list, the corresponding
>> layer thumbnail base layers are not visible. If we click  on the
>> corresponding Layers  --> Edit Layer if we click on Set Thumbnail  then
>> base layers along with uploaded content is visible in thumbnail
>>  Please suggest how to include the base layers also in thumbnail on
>> upload of  spatial data with out manually clicking Set Thumbnail option.
>> Thanks&Regards,
>> Naresh
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> Simone
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