[GeoNode-users] Problem with geonode-project

Francesco Bartoli xbartolone at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 02:44:17 PST 2017

Hi Davide,

can you please open an issue and explain in there your flow with relative errors that can be useful to investigate further?


Il giorno 03/feb/2017, alle ore 11:21, Davide Sandona' <sandona.davide at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Hello,
> I've tryed to launch a Geonode-project with docker. However, when launching the docker-compose up command, I've got this error:
> Pulling geoserver (waybarrios/geoserver:latest)...
> ERROR: manifest for waybarrios/geoserver:latest not found
> So I downloaded the project waybarrios/geoserver, and built it locally, then I ran again the command. This is what has been printed on the screen: http://pastebin.com/uRRJMYWB
> Then I opened a new terminal and ran this command, however it exited with an error:
> docker-compose run django python manage.py migrate
> This is the error: http://pastebin.com/HEQ35T92
> Am I doing something wrong?
> Davide.
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