[GeoNode-users] Issue on updateip in migration to 2.6

Annalisa Schiavon annalisa.schiavon at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 00:50:44 PDT 2017

Simone, yes I setted the proxy base url to:

   - Proxy Base URL
   - Enable global services

I have read the docs you mention  http://docs.geonode.org/
index.html?highlight=oauth2 , now I'll check all steps.

I have followed instructions here, applying them to ubuntu:

I setted the ip address in geonode-oauth2 in a couple of lines they still
point to "localhost".

Here it is an example of a wrong preview link:,4991070.397,1798213.0,5117620.0&width=768&height=643&srs=EPSG:3003&format=application/openlayers

Then, I've some old layers in geonode that doesn't more exists in
geoserver. If I try to remove from geonode ui It fails. Also the "geonode
updatelayers --remove-deleted" fails on those layers

There are geonode commands for clean or syncronize databases? Some docs?
syncdb is now deprecated, right?

Thank you so much

2017-06-30 11:45 GMT+02:00 Simone Dalmasso <simone.dalmasso at gmail.com>:

> Annalisa, for the geoserver preview make sure to set the proxy base url
> parameter in the geoserver global settings (from ui).
> For the thumbs it could be still some authentication issues, did you
> follow all the steps in the docs? http://docs.geonode.org/
> en/master/tutorials/admin/geoserver_geonode_security/
> index.html?highlight=oauth2
> 2017-06-30 11:30 GMT+02:00 Annalisa Schiavon <annalisa.schiavon at gmail.com>
> :
>> Well, I don't know why, but this morning layers and maps in geonode are
>> displayed correctly, no more pink tiles!
>> Layer's thumbs aren't displayed even after having setted them with edit
>> layer button, except for some. I set permissions
>> to /var/www/geonode/uploaded/thumbs dir to 664 (some files were 644) and
>> owner to www-data.
>> Preview layers in Geoserver still doesn't work. I attach wms error.
>> After these errors, geonode is thrown out and authentication fails, when
>> browsing in geoserver.
>> I also attach errors.zip with logs from apache and tomcat.
>> Thanks!
>> 2017-06-29 14:22 GMT+02:00 Simone Dalmasso <simone.dalmasso at gmail.com>:
>>> Annalisa, the distribution url is not used in GeoNode 2.6, it's in the
>>> db because the migrations don't delete fields.
>>> For the display issue check the http request made by the browser and you
>>> should be able to see more info about the error.
>>> 2017-06-29 11:48 GMT+02:00 Annalisa Schiavon <
>>> annalisa.schiavon at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm migrating from geonode 2.4 to 2.6.
>>>> I've restored geonode DB and geonode-data DB (DB postgres with all my
>>>> vector layers) in a new server (a fresh ubuntu 16.04) than I've launched
>>>> $geonode migrate --fake-initial.
>>>> I also launched a geonode-updateip (my internal ip for
>>>> now) for authentication issues. But the "distribution url" field in
>>>> "base_resourcebase" table still has the old ip.
>>>> I found this issue: https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode/issues/1694 .
>>>> How can I resolve? Preview layers in Geoserver doesn't work and layers and
>>>> maps in geonode aren't displayed.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Annalisa
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>>> --
>>> Simone
> --
> Simone
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