[GeoNode-users] Security Integration Optimization section - GeoNode in Production

Naresh N naresh919 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 04:15:17 PDT 2017

Dear All,

 I have deployed GeNode in RHEL 7.2 64 bit machine. Now I am configuring
for production environment by following the steps mentioned in
 But not able to complete the  *Security Integration Optimization section*
steps. The following is the issue

 *WEB-INF/classes/org/geonode/security/geonode_authorize_layer.sql* not
able to found in my system.  And also not able to fine geoserver.xml

Please help me to over come this issue.

*ISSUE-2 :*
To understand the Database security, I have deployed GeoNode 2.4 in Windows
and  here i could able to find the  file *geonode_authorize_layer.sql. * But
when I executed this file though pgadmin-3(Geonode database) it showed
following error

ERROR:  "$1" is declared CONSTANT
CONTEXT:  compilation of PL/pgSQL function "geonode_authorize_layer" near
line 23
( if (user_name IS NULL or user_name = '') then
        user_name = 'AnonymousUser';
end if;)

Then I have modified the code - one temp variable is declared in Declare
setion and the above code is modified like as follows
  ( if (user_name IS NULL or user_name = '') then        temp =
'AnonymousUser';   else temp=user_nameend if;) and  After that rest of the
section user_name is replaced with temp.

Now modified  updated psql command  was successfully executed.

After that not able to find  geoserver.xml and  created the new xml with as
follows and   placed in following
location C:\GeoNode-2.4.x\apache-tomcat-7.0.65\conf\Catalina\localhost\geoserver.xml

<Context path="/geoserver"
    antiResourceLocking="false" >
  <Parameter name="org.geonode.security.databaseSecurityClient.url"


But now my *geoserver *is not working.  Please kindly suggest to over come
this issue.

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